Alumni Profiles

Purdue's Engineering Management master's program is designed to give students depth of technical skills in engineering while building leadership skills, preparing them to take on management roles in industry. Due to the varied professional experience gained in this program, our engineering management students consistently secure competitive job offers from innovative companies and Fortune 500 corporations prior to graduation.

These are their testimonials.


Benjamin Chia

Graduated December 2020

Current: Enterprise Singapore, Development Partner

Previous: • Enterprise Singapore, Business Partner • Enterprise Singapore, Assistant Business Partner • Enterprise Singapore, Management Associate

"My role is to drive the growth of businesses and enterprises in Singapore. I work closely with local businesses to develop strategies and infrastructures to open new market opportunities. We formulate internationalization plans, project lead identification, project analysis and facilitations, as well as assisting businesses to boost enterprise capabilities and productivity.

Despite being only a month into my role, I am given the opportunity to conduct a strategic study on emerging energy transition trends like carbon capture and hydrogen. It is a privilege to drive a study that will support Singapore's efforts in charting its energy future at the global level.

As a result of my Purdue MEM experience, I can confidently accomplish tasks beyond my conventional engineering circle of competence. From financial assessment, to market analysis, to even formulating market entry strategy, these are portfolios that I am sufficiently capable of taking on after MEM. Hence, giving me versatility in my career progression and trajectory.

Solutions to modern engineering problems are no longer confined to the engineering paradigm and are becoming increasingly multi-faceted. Business management knowledge extends the natural problem-solving instinct of engineers to a keen sensitivity towards industrial viability. MEM produces the very kind of engineering managers that the industries require - one that's capable of leading solutions catering to the ever-changing needs of the industry.

To future Purdue MEM students, I encourage you to be bold in your course selection and always put yourself in a less-than-comfortable position. Doing so will establish new verticals in your knowledge that will open up many more doors that you never knew existed. As Thomas Jefferson once said, "If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done."

To me, being a Purdue engineer means I can finally tell my stereotypical Asian parents that I am an engineer graduated from one of the TOP engineering schools in the world, so they can finally be proud of me. Jokes aside, it means a lot to me that I am a part of a greater community connected by a common love for engineering. I'm a Purdue Engineer, I'm an engineering nerd, and I'm proud of myself for that."

Quamar Fatima

Graduated May 2020

Current: Google, Technical Program Manager

"I work within Google's Global Network Infrastructure - Edge Capacity team. My team of 20 TPMs is responsible for managing Google's infrastructure for Search, YouTube, Ads, Meet, Cloud etc. products as close to users as possible. An interesting aspect of my day-to-day work is the diversity of the projects I work on. I manage Google's network capacity in 5 countries in the Asia Pacific region. In parallel, I flex my Computer Science muscles by developing workflows to automate network management processes. I am also a part of Google's small team responsible for procuring, assigning and maintaining all of Google's IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Purdue's MEM program was the segway for me to transition from tech to technical management. For a faster transition from tech to technical management, my MEM program set the platform to gain business understanding in a disciplined yet flexible manner.

Teams are usually cross-functional at Google, and in my experience it's the case for other companies and industries as well. As companies incline more towards cross-functional work, the need for Engineering Management becomes crucial to serve as a perfect bridge between various domains.

I consider Purdue's Engineering Management program as a path to set oneself up for success, and I encourage you to do so too. Program director and faculty not just provide the platform but also take individual interest in students' professional development. By leveraging their expertise and the diverse domains the program has to offer, there's a lot to benefit from this program!

To me, being a Purdue Boilermaker means taking giant leaps! "Boiler Up and Hammer Down" is the first thing that comes to my mind! We have the thought process, we have the capability to take on complex challenges, and most importantly, we have the grit and determination to pull through the finish line with an effective solution!"

Rahul Jayaraman

Graduated December 2020

Current: Tesla, Global Supply Chain Manager, Power Electronics

"Tesla is at the forefront of technological innovation, helping the world transition towards sustainable energy. As a Global Supply Manager in the Power Electronics Group, my primary responsibility is to support Tesla's mission by ensuring a constant stream of parts required to launch new vehicle programs and sustain existing programs in the most cost-effective and quality-oriented manner. In this role, I get to coordinate with multiple stakeholders, ranging from engineering, material planning, manufacturing, logistics, program management, and suppliers - domestic and international, all of whom play a pivotal role in making Tesla successful in its mission.

After joining my first industry position in a techno-commercial role, I was on the hunt for a program that allowed me to hone my technical knowledge and business acumen. I found the right fit in Purdue's Engineering Management program which allows candidates access to Purdue's world-class engineering and business school, while simultaneously promoting co-ops and internships to gain valuable industry experience. The courses I took, and the co-op at Tesla, helped me to steer my career towards something about which I am passionate.

The industry is evolving constantly, with skills and knowledge getting outdated at a rapid pace. In such an environment, companies are looking for candidates with the ability to constantly adapt themselves to this ever-changing landscape. The MEM program has offered me the unique opportunity to not only attain valuable skills and knowledge, which help me become successful in my current role, but it has also helped me become much more adaptable and always stay on the lookout for new skills and knowledge which will be valued by my company. In a company like Tesla which is so fast-paced that, in my opinion, is the most valuable skill I have acquired during my time here at Purdue.

My advice to my fellow MEM community is simple - no two MEM experiences are similar. This program is so flexible and the resources at your disposal so incredible that you should confidently tread your own path which you feel leads to your goals. Never forget, help and guidance is always around the corner when you join this program, be it from the program staff or your fellow MEM cohort. That sense of being in a community is what sets this program apart from all the others here at Purdue.

Knowing that I belong to an elite community that boasts people ranging from astronauts to renowned inventors fills me with great pride and joy. It also motivates me to do justice to their legacy and forge my own with the skills and knowledge I have acquired from this program. Being a Boilermaker is a badge of honor that I will wear proudly forever. Boiler Up!"

Meet Kansara

Graduated May 2020

Current: Amazon, Senior Program Manager

Previous: • Amazon, Senior Program Manager - Supply Chain Execution • Amazon, Program Manager - Supply Chain Execution

"As a Program Manager for Inbound Operations and Technology Execution I am responsible for improving the flow of materials and information from Amazon's suppliers into the Fulfillment Centers to other downstream systems. I play an integral part in Amazon's inventory management by successfully partnering with various internal teams such as Warehouse Operations, IT, Retail, and Finance, along with external suppliers, to support new business initiatives.

I came to Purdue intending to be in a managerial position after graduating from the Master of Engineering Management program. From day 1 this program was focused on developing industry-specific skills, and support was provided to steer my career. Having the ability to pursue career-specific projects, I gained the opportunity to intern at Chewy and Tesla. These experiences were the stepping stones that created a huge impact on my career, and ultimately led to earning an offer from Amazon.

The Master of Engineering Management degree has unique value in the industry. Companies not only want their employees to be technically sound, but also are seeking business acumen and project management skills in their employees. This degree perfectly aligns with the companies' goal for hiring future managers.

As a Purdue MEM alum, I would advise the students to grow their network and have meaningful connections. For me, a Purdue Engineering Manager is the one that not only excels in professional life, but also develops the community around."

Salman Khan

Graduated December 2020

Current: Microsoft, Program Manager II (Windows)

Previous: Microsoft, Program Manager I (Windows)

"As a Program Manager, I'm responsible for working with external partners on co-engineering initiatives to enable their products to work seamlessly on Windows. This involves analyzing requirements, developing solutions, and collaborating with stakeholders on the client side and within Microsoft. The Program Manager role is multi-faceted: I play the roles of engineer, manager, solution architect, and technology evangelist.

The Purdue Engineering Management degree enabled me to successfully pivot from a career in business development to one in product management. The program structure, course curriculum and career guidance tools at Purdue helped me achieve this.

The program added a new dimension to my skill set by combining an engineer's perspective with a managerial outlook to problem solving. The Engineering Management program at Purdue has the benefit of being flexible to each student's career objectives. One can pick courses from marketing, operations or finance while enrolling for industrial or electronics and computer engineering subjects. The program draws talent from across the world with diverse backgrounds, providing a truly global experience.

The Engineering Management degree is particularly valued in the modern workplace due to its multi-disciplinary format. I've seen friends from the program receiving offers from top companies owning to the skills they developed at Purdue. The program provides excellent opportunities for networking and developing people skills. The learnings from these initiatives are invaluable in the job search process.

I'd encourage prospective students to learn about the Engineering Management program from the resources available on the website, via LinkedIn connections and the outreach team. The Purdue Engineering Management program values students with a strong engineering background, an analytical outlook and the ability to take initiative. Prior knowledge of management subjects is not a prerequisite, but a willingness to learn definitely is! I found it very helpful to engage with the admissions and academic teams of different universities I was looking at. I chose to join the program that valued my talent the most, and believe I made a great decision to choose Purdue.

West Lafayette is a nice town, where everything revolves around the university and everyone loves to help students out. Purdue has an exceptional sense of community that makes it a special university. I'm proud to be a Boilermaker and thoroughly enjoyed the Purdue Engineering Management experience."

Jacqlyn Monteiro

Graduated May 2020

Current: Google, Program Manager

Previous: Lam Research, Program Manager

"Lam Research is a semiconductor equipment manufacturing company that is constantly innovating and bringing cutting edge products to the market. I take pride to say that it is highly possible that the everyday electronic devices you are using has at some point passed through a Lam manufactured machine.

I work in the Pilot Operations team as a Transition Program Manager, and one of my primary responsibilities is to help transition products from pilot to high volume manufacturing. It is very exciting to know that the programs I am working on are creating an actual impact, not just for my company, but for our end customers as well. Working in such a fast-paced environment is a challenging task, especially coordinating programs between cross-functional teams with members from different organizations and geographies. Challenges are exciting, and overcoming them is what makes me a true Boilermaker.

My Purdue Master of Engineering Management degree has really helped me grow professionally. I have seen my horizons widen due to this degree. I feel more confident and more industry ready because of everything the program has given me, including courses, professional seminars, and my co-op experience.

If I had to put it simply, an Engineering Management degree is an Engineer's MBA. It helps you build a strong management layer over your existing engineering skills, and I do believe it's a niche skillset that is highly valued and sought after in the industry.

One thing that I've realized is that at no point should you expect to be spoon-fed. Your degree and your career are what you make out of it. There are going to be lots of challenges, but when you emerge victorious at the end of it - that experience is extremely rewarding. It is like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Being a Purdue Engineer means a lot to me. The Purdue network is so strong that no matter where you are, you will always find a fellow Boilermaker eager to help. Purdue has laid a strong foundation for me and I will always remain a very proud Boilermaker. Boiler Up!"

Victoria West

Graduated December 2020

Current: Heartland Food Products Group, Director of Training and Development

Previous: • Outrider, Program Manager, Learning & Development • Ball Aerospace, Engineering Technical Training Lead • Ball Aerospace, Staffing and Workforce Development

"When it comes to training engineers at Ball, my role is to serve as the hub for creating, planning, and implementing all things to do with training. I use my engineering background to write technical content and have a greater understanding of how engineers learn, while I use the management side of my background to balance cost and schedule in these training efforts. I am responsible for filtering training opportunities and identifying areas for potential growth. I get to interact with many executives at the company to explore what they perceive to be the company's needs.

I am most proud of an engineering leadership program that just wrapped up its pilot cohort in November. Being able to help engineers grow while using my own engineering savvy has been incredibly rewarding.

The Purdue MEM program has opened many doors for me, especially with the opportunity to come into my current role. My experience with specialized engineering topics combined with project management work has allowed me to succeed in an environment where both are of equal importance. Most people I speak with are impressed to hear that my degree is an engineering degree with a business lens. I have met other people with MEM degrees all across the business, from systems engineers to executives.

If you want a degree that allows you flexibility in career growth and is highly relevant to all engineering industries, you should apply to this program. No other master's program will offer you as many options to customize your experience and give you diverse career options post-graduation.

Being a Purdue engineer means you are a part of a legacy greater than yourself. Embrace the opportunities for connection that will follow you throughout your career, and good things will happen."