Lebanon Utilities Wastewater Treatment Plant Power Savings
Wessler Engineering is a civil and environmental engineering firm based in Indianapolis that specializes in wastewater, drinking water and stormwater projects. The Lebanon Utilities owns a Class III, extended aeration wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The facility was expanded in 2018 and has 5.0 MGD Average Daily Flow (ADF) and 15 MGD Peak Flow capacities. Included in the last expansion were anaerobic treatment for biological phosphorus removal and dissolved oxygen control for the four (4) oxidation ditches to improve treatment and provide energy savings.
The facility is likely to be expanded in the near future in response to both residential and industrial growth opportunities. This future expansion will continue implementation of new and/or revised infrastructure that provides improved treatment as well as reducing power consumption and potential operational strategy modifications to address peak demand charges assessed. The objective of this project is to evaluate the existing and future Lebanon WWTP and determine a feasible, reliable, and cost effective solutions for the facility with respect to power savings.