Net Zero Target: Module Crate Waste Reduction
As a clean energy company, sustainability is at the heart of Invenergy’s contribution to society. Invenergy is working to achieve Net Zero by 2050. Our Net Zero strategy couples our carbon emissions reductions efforts across our portfolio and draws from the innovations applied to work with their customers each day. Invenergy is working with partners to continually improve and regenerate the environment, piloting ways that the expansion of clean energy can be a part of a holistic approach to sustainability. One of their efforts is to promote the recyclability of materials by helping the clean energy industry advance the practices that ensure they are using our natural resources effectively.
Invenergy LLC would like an in-depth analysis of potential waste reduction from shipping materials used for our solar project components, mainly from module crates. Invenergy solar panels are sourced both domestically and internationally. These modules are shipped with treated wood crates which makes standard recycling infeasible They would like to explore alternate recycling options or possibilities for reducing, reusing, or repurposing these materials. Additionally, alternate shipping materials can be explored to implement in our domestic manufacturing plant, Illuminate, in Ohio.