Worthington Lagoon Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements

Wessler Engineering is a civil and environmental engineering firm based in Indianapolis that specializes in wastewater, drinking water and stormwater projects. The Town of Worthington owns a lagoon-style wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), consisting of influent flow metering, two (2) 4.25 MG aerated lagoon cells operated in series, chlorine gas disinfection and sulfur dioxide dechlorination, and effluent flow metering.
Over recent years, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has made effluent pollutant limits for WWTPs more stringent to protect stream quality. Lagoon microbiology often struggles to adequately treat ammonia in certain climates and over the past several years, the Worthington WWTP has struggled to meet its permitted effluent ammonia limit. In addition, the chlorine gas disinfection system has reached the end of its useful life and poses safety risks to operators. The objective of this project is to evaluate the existing Worthington WWTP and determine a feasible, reliable, and cost-effective solution to meet the current and future wastewater needs of the community.