Purdue University Organic Waste Diversion Study

Purdue University’s 2020 Physical Facilities Sustainability Master Plan established goal M-1 to achieve an annual campus waste recycling (diversion) rate of 50% by FY25, aligning with the state of Indiana’s goal (IC 13-20-25-1) to recycle at least fifty percent of its municipal waste. Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s (IDEM) 2021 Recycling Index Report identified organic waste diversion as a key impact area in reaching the states goal of 50% recycling. Across the state, as well as nationally, there is a lack of adequate infrastructure to correctly divert organic waste.
A study is needed to understand current and future flow of these materials on campus, determine the feasibility of diversion methods, and inform procurement and operations planning. Purdue University Campus Planning, Architecture and Sustainability is requesting the team provide deliverables for mapping the movement of and evaluating the quality of the organic waste stream materials. They should also quantify costs of the current system and evaluate current diversions methods at campus, locally, and regionally.