Developing Uses of Recycled Roofing Shingle Products for Non-Roofing Applications

GAF is a leading supplier of building materials with leading product offerings for both residential and commercial roofing segments. Headquartered in Parsippany, NJ, GAF has twenty-seven manufacturing operations in the US and four R&D locations. A majority (>75%) of the US residential roofs are asphalt shingle based. GAF estimates approximately thirteen million tons of waste is generated each year as a result of roof replacement due to end of life or special event causes such as hail. Less than ten percent of this waste is actually diverted from the landfill. GAF wants to solve this fundamental issue for a major roofing product.
GAF has developed a proprietary process to recycle asphalt shingles into two product streams. One stream can be used within GAF to make new asphalt shingles and the other stream produces recycled asphalt shingle (RAS) briquettes that can be partially used to make new asphaltic shingles. GAF is exploring alternative non-roofing applications for usage of the RAS briquettes. GAF has shortlisted four key areas of alternative use for the team to assess. The team will also explore applications beyond these four identified areas.