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Reserved Characters in Unix

Purdue Engineering Computer Network

Quoting disables a character's special meaning and allows it to be used literally as itself. The following characters have special meaning and must be quoted in order to use them literally.


;			Command separator
& Background execution
( ) Command grouping
| Pipe
* ? [ ] ~ Filename metacharacters
{ } String expansion characters. Usually don't require quoting.
> < & ! Redirection symbols
! ^ History substitution, quick substitution
" ' \ Using in quoting other characters
$ Variable substitution
newline space tab Word separators

The characters below can be used for quoting:


" "			Everything between " and " is taken literally, except
for the following characters that keep their
special meaning:
$ Variable substitution will occur
` Command substitution will occur
" This marks the end of the double quote
\ Escape next character
! The history character
newline The newline character
' ' Everything between ' and ' is taken literally except
for ! (history) and another ', and newline.

\ The character following a \ is taken literally. Use
within " " to escape ", $ and `. Often used to escape
itself, spaces, or newlines. Always needed to escape a
history character (usually !).


% echo 'Single quotes "protect" double quotes'
Single quotes "protect" double quotes

% echo "Well, isn't that \"special\"?"
Well, isn't that "special"?

% echo "The value of \$x is $x"
The value of $x is 100

Last Modified: Dec 19, 2016 11:12 am US/Eastern
Created: Aug 22, 2007 12:49 pm GMT-4 by admin