Employment Paperwork for Newly-Hired ECN Consultants
Welcome to ECN!
As a newly-hired consultant, you must complete the forms provided on this page before working your first shift. Please note that you will not be able to work any shifts until the business office sends approval to your ECN manager, confirming that all necessary paperwork has been completed. Angela Hoover (@purdue.edu, 765-494-5335, ARMS room 2000) in the Engineering Business Office receives and processes most of these forms (except those in steps #1 and #2). Please contact Angela if you have questions about steps #3 through #8.
All forms which you obtain from this page must be completed in ink; using a pencil is not acceptable. If you have previously been a Purdue employee, certain forms might not end up being needed -- but please work with Angela to determine that.
1. Employment application. If you haven’t already turned in one of the following, please do so.
KNOY Lab Consultant application: Please print this form, complete it, and then give it to your ECN manager in MSEE 104 or to Pam Hiner in MSEE 150.
2. Payroll Information Form. This form will need to be completed when you first begin working for ECN and again at the beginning of each fall semester. Please print this form, complete only Section A, and then give it to Pam Hiner in MSEE 150 or to your ECN manager in MSEE 104:
3. Obtain required legal identification. If you are a first-time Purdue employee, step #4 will require that you bring certain forms of legal identification when you take completed paperwork (for steps #5 through #7) to Angela Hoover You must have the originals -- scans or photocopies are insufficient. Please see the following document to determine which identification to bring when you see Angela:
4. Form I-9. If you've never worked for any Purdue department before, please visit the following page:
On that page, click on the link titled "Electronic I-9 for new hires/rehires." Log in and complete Section 1 of the Form I-9. (After you do, you will be provided with the same information you saw in step #3, above.)
5. Federal tax form. This form sets up federal income tax withholding. Please print this form, complete it, and then give it to Angela Hoover in ARMS 2000:
6. State tax form. This form sets up state income tax withholding. Please print this form, complete it, and then give it to Angela Hoover in ARMS 2000:
7. Direct Deposit form. This form sets up electronic deposit of your paycheck into your account at a financial institution. Please print this form, complete it, and then give it to Angela Hoover in ARMS 2000:
8. International students only. If you have come to Purdue from a country outside the United States, you will need to complete the "Glacier" process. Please contact Angela Hoover to obtain a "Glacier" userID, and use it to complete the "Glacier" process at this web site:
That's it! The business office will inform your ECN manager when all required paperwork has been completed. Here's what happens next:
- Your ECN manager will send you e-mail saying you're approved to begin work.
- Your manager will ask you to set up a meeting with the Head Lab Consultant for your training.
- Your manager might also ask you to stop by MSEE 104 to set your weekly work schedule.
- Watch for an e-mail message which will provide a special username and password for the consultants' private web site. Using the web site is an integral part of your job.
- You will be subscribed to the consultants' mailing list.
- Your manager will make sure your Purdue Career Account has permissions to log into computers on ECN's and Technology's domains.
- When you were with Angela Hoover to complete your paperwork, she may have prepared a time card for you. If not, a day or two after you're approved to begin work, please pick up your time card during business hours in MSEE 189.