Engineering My Future: How Choosing the Right Professional Master’s Program at Purdue’s Davidson School of Chemical Engineering Shaped My Career

Khushie's Image
Khushie S Murthy

Choosing the right Master’s program in Chemical Engineering was a pivotal moment in my academic and professional journey. I was determined to find a program that balanced rigorous engineering principles with real-world applications, steering clear of a research-heavy curriculum. After careful consideration, I decided on the Professional Master’s Program at the Davidson School of Engineering, which seemed tailor-made for my career aspirations.

My decision to join the Professional MS at Purdue in Chemical Engineering at Purdue was not impulsive. I spent considerable time comparing various programs, focusing on practical engineering knowledge over theoretical research. While many institutions offered impressive programs, Purdue’s program stood out with its unique combination of management courses and an industry-focused Capstone project. This approach promised not just academic enrichment but also practical experience in the industry—essential for someone like me, who had no prior work experience.

Robust connections with leading pharmaceutical companies set this program apart from the others. Companies such as Pfizer, Merck, and Eli Lilly represent real-world pathways to significant career opportunities. The program’s partnership with these industry giants provided me with exclusive networking prospects, valuable insights into employer expectations, and effective resume-building strategies.

My internship experience with Catalent has been a cornerstone of my professional development. In  only  two months, I've transitioned from theoretical knowledge to practical application, bringing innovative ideas to the table and challenging existing workflows to develop better solutions. This hands-on experience has allowed me to apply what I've learned and to grow as a proactive engineer who continually seeks deeper understanding and improvement.

I am profoundly grateful for the personalized guidance and support from my mentors at Purdue and during my internship. These interactions have molded me into an engineer equipped to face future challenges with patience and creativity. As I advance in my career, the skills and knowledge acquired at the Davidson School of  Chemical Engineering Professional MS program will undoubtedly be integral to my success.