Meet AAE student leader Benjamin Vernhes

AAE junior Benjamin Vernhes is president of Purdue AIAA and is also a School of Aeronautics and Astronautics Ambassador.

Benjamin Vernhes speakingName: Benjamin Vernhes

Preferred Name: Benjamin

Birthplace: Washington State

AAE Major/Minor Concentration: Design/Propulsion

Student Classification: Junior

Name of student organization: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

Office held within that organization: President

Tell me about the organization—its purpose and some of the events/activities:

The Purdue Chapter of AIAA is a student organization for any student who shares a passion for aerospace. Our purpose is to foster interest in aerospace, and we do this by providing opportunities for our members to learn about companies, speak with company recruiters, meet with industry professionals, work on student team projects, participate in outreach, and network amongst each other as well as with alumni and professors.

Why would you encourage other AAE students to get involved in this organization?

AIAA is the world’s largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace profession and our student branch will not only forward and facilitate its national events to our members but will also plan and create our own opportunities and events for our members.

Best Purdue event or organization that you participated in outside of AAE?

Purdue Space Day 2015 was an amazing and rewarding experience that I even got to share with my parents.

Favorite place on campus:

Passing a football by the Engineering Fountain

Favorite class you have taken thus far and why?

Entrepreneurship 200, because it was refreshing to have a break from engineering and to be able to think creatively with students from other fields about how to turn needs into feasible business models.

What is one piece of advice you would give to a potential AAE student?

Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Who is someone you look up to in the Aero/Astro industry and why?

Ray Conner, CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, because of his roots, story, and values. He graduated from Central Washington University and started as a mechanic with Boeing before working his way up in the company. When I interned at Boeing in the 737 department, I attended a few events that he spoke at and got to see how he presents himself and promotes a family culture in the company.

What motivates you to succeed?

A determination/drive to achieve my goals.

What is your ultimate career goal?

My goal is to ultimately influence the development of the next generation of space/flight vehicles.

Learn more about Purdue AIAA and other AAE student organizations here.

Publish date: April 25, 2016