Teaching Seminar: A Journey into the Principle of Impulse and Momentum

Event Date: April 10, 2024
Time: 3:30 - 4:20 p.m.
Location: ARMS 1109
Priority: No
School or Program: College of Engineering
College Calendar: Show
Faculty candidate Huazhen Fang will offer a concise introduction to the principle of impulse and momentum underlying various powered flights, including rocket liftoff.


The principle of impulse and momentum underlies various powered flights, including rocket liftoff. In this teaching demonstration, we will offer a concise yet complete introduction of this principle. We will start with the Newton’s second law, show why and how to define impulse and momentum, and then derive the relationship governing the two quantities for a particle. We will further discuss the conservation of momentum as an extension of this topic. The teaching will involve examples of impulse and momentum for propulsion. By the end of the session, students will have gained a robust mathematical understanding of the principle and its interesting applications in real world.


Huazhen Fang is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Kansas. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, San Diego in 2014, M.Sc. from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada in 2009, and B.Eng from Northwestern Polytechnic University, China in 2006. His researchinterests lie in control/estimation theory and advanced battery managementfor electric aircraft and space energy systems, aiming to enhance aviationsustainability and space and multi-planetary exploration. Additionally, he studiesautonomy and control of complex spatio-temporal systems for aerospaceapplications. His work has been sponsored by NSF, DOE, ARL, among others. Hereceived the NSF Faculty Early Career Award in 2019 and the University ScholarlyAchievement Award at the University of Kansas in 2024.