Rolls Royce Lecture: Innovating Space Technology for Faster and Cleaner Future Flight

Event Date: October 26, 2023
Time: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Location: Purdue Memorial Union, North Ballroom
Open To: All
Priority: Yes
School or Program: College of Engineering, Aeronautics and Astronautics
College Calendar: Show
Guest speaker Mark Thomas has been CEO of Reaction Engines since 2015. He is leading development of advanced aerospace propulsion systems for hypersonic and next-generation space access systems, pioneering new markets, and building an applied technologies business with a strong sustainability focus.

How does an engineer become a leader? Mark Thomas, CEO of Reaction Engines, will share his experience running a private technology company in a competitive and uncertain world, and discuss the challenges and strategic imperatives for future aviation through the perspective of the Reaction Engines journey so far.

Reaction Engines' work ranges from air-breathing rocket engines to pioneering technologies that enable hypersonic aircraft and zero emissions flight. The company has won numerous business, aerospace and innovation awards and built successful relationships with global Aerospace & Defence Companies, Government Agencies and Innovators.

Mark Thomas has been CEO of Reaction Engines since 2015. He is leading development of advanced aerospace propulsion systems for hypersonic and next-generation space access systems, pioneering new markets, and building an applied technologies business with a strong sustainability focus.