Astronaut reunion

Event Date: October 12, 2019
Time: All day
Priority: Yes
School or Program: Other Engineering
College Calendar: Hide

 An astronaut reunion will take place during October’s Homecoming festivities to celebrate the end of Purdue’s sesquicentennial.

Purdue upholds the Cradle of Astronauts tradition, graduating 25 astronauts, including the first and most recent people to walk on the Moon. Thirteen astronauts who have flown with NASA and one commercial astronaut are expected at the reunion on Oct. 10-12 where they will speak to Purdue classes, visit local schools and tour campus.

The public is welcome to attend a meet and greet with the astronauts 9:30-10:30 a.m. on Oct. 12 at Homecoming Tent Row, located near the Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering. Pre-signed headshots of the astronauts will be distributed, as well as commemorative posters and buttons, while supplies last.

The astronauts also will be recognized on the field during halftime of the football game against the University of Maryland.