- Connor Dewitt, Renyuan Wang, Sudhanshu Tiwari, and Sunil A. Bhave, "An edge-coupled magnetostatic bandpass filter," accepted Nature Communications (2024).
- Anthony D'Addario, Johnathan Kuan, Noah F. Opondo, Ozan Erturk, Tao Zhou, Sunil A. Bhave, Martin V. Holt, Gregory D. Fuchs, "Stroboscopic x-ray diffraction microscopy of dynamic strain in diamond thin-film bulk acoustic resonators for quantum control of nitrogen-vacancy centers," Physical Review Applied 22, 024016 (2024).
- Hao Tian, Jinqiu Liu, Alaina Attanasio, Anat Siddharth, Terence Blesin, Rui Ning Wang, Andrey Voloshin, Grigory Lihachev, Johann Riemensberger, Scott E. Kenning, Yu Tian, Tzu Han Chang, Andrea Bancora, Viacheslav Snigirev, Vladimir Shadymov, Tobias J. Kippenberg and Sunil A. Bhave, "Piezoelectric actuation for integrated photonics" accepted Advances in Optics and Photonics (2024).
- Anat Siddharth, Alaina Attanasio, Simone Bianconi, Grigory Lihachev, Junyin Zhang, Zheru Qiu, Andrea Bancora, Scott Kenning, Rui Ning Wang, Andrey S. Voloshin, Sunil A. Bhave, Johann Riemensberger, and Tobias J. Kippenberg, "Piezoelectrically tunable, narrow linewidth photonic integrated extended-DBR lasers," Optica 11, 1062-1069 (2024).
- Terence Blesin, Wil Kao, Anat Siddharth, Rui N. Wang, Alaina Attanasio, Hao Tian, Sunil A. Bhave, and Tobias J. Kippenberg, "Bidirectional microwave-optical transduction based on integration of high-overtone bulk acoustic resonators and photonic circuits," Nature Communications 15, 6096 (2024).
- Connor Dewitt, Sudhanshu Tiwari, Sunil A. Bhave and Renyuan Wang, "A distributed magnetostatic resonator," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (2024).
- Anton Lukashchuk, Halil Kerim Yildirim, Andrea Bancora, Grigory Lihachev, Yang Liu, Zheru Qiu, Xinru Ji, Andrey Voloshin, Sunil A. Bhave, Edoardo Charbon, and Tobias J. Kippenberg, "Photonic-electronic integrated circuit-based coherent LIDAR engine," Nature Communications 15, 3134 (2024).
- Renyuan Wang, Connor Devitt, Eric Langlois, Sudhanshu Tiwari, Anuj Ashok, and Sunil A. Bhave, "Temperature Compensated Magnetostatic Wave Resonator Microsystem" IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2024), Washington D.C., June 16-21, 2024, pp. 30-33.
- Sudhanshu Tiwari, Anuj Ashok, Connor Devitt, Sunil A. Bhave and Renyuan Wang, "High-performance magnetostatic wave resonators through deep anisotropic etching of GGG substrates" arxiv:2406.01419.
- Renyuan Wang, Sudhanshu Tiwari, Yiyang Feng, Sen Dai and Sunil A. Bhave, "Giant real-time strain-induced anisotropy field tuning in suspended Yttrium Iron Garnet thin films" arxiv:2405.13303.
- Jonathan R. Dietz, Boyang Jiang, Aaron M. Day, Sunil A. Bhave and Evelyn L. Hu, "Spin-Acoustic Control of Silicon Vacancies in 4H Silicon Carbide," Nature Electronics 6, 739-745 (2023).
- Ozan Erturk, Kilian Shambaugh, Ha-Seong Park, Sang-Goo Lee and Sunil A. Bhave, "Self-Aligned Single-Electrode Actuation of Tangential and Wineglass Modes using PMN-PT," Nature Microsystems & Nanoengineering 9, 52 (2023).
- Yiyang Feng, Sudhanshu Tiwari, Sunil A. Bhave, and Renyuan Wang, "Micro-machined Tunable Magnetostatic Forward Volume Wave Bandstop Filter," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters 33(6), 807-810 (2023).
- Tiff Brydges, Arslan S. Raja, Angelo Gelmini, Grigory Lihachev, Antione Petitjean, Hao Tian, Rui N. Wang, Sunil A. Bhave, Hugo Zbinden, Tobias J. Kippenberg, and Rob Thew, "Integrated Photon-Pair Source with Monolithic Piezoelectric Frequency Tunability," Physical Review A 107, 052602 (2023).
- Hao Tian, Alaina G. Attanasio, Anat Siddharth, Andrey Voloshin, Viacheslav Snigirev, Grigory Lihachev, Andrea Bancora, Vladimir Shadymov, Rui N. Wang, Johann Riemensberger, Tobias J. Kippenberg, and Sunil A. Bhave, ""Programmable Silicon Nitride Photonic Integrated Circuits," 36th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2023) Jan 15-19, 2023, pp. 149-152.
- Grigory Lihachev, Andrea Bancora, Viacheslav Snigirev, Hao Tian, Johann Riemensberger, Vladimir Shadymov, Anat Siddharth, Alaina G. Attanasio, Rui N. Wang, Diego A. Visani, Andrey Voloshin, Sunil A. Bhave, and Tobias J. Kippenberg, "Frequency agile photonic integrated external cavity laser," arxiv:2303.00425
- Ozgur Sahin, Erica de Leon Sanchez, Sophie Conti, Amala Akkiraju, Paul Reshetikhin, Emanuel Druga, Aakriti Aggarwal, Benjamin Gilbert, Sunil Bhave and Ashok Ajoy, "High-field magnetometry with hyperpolarized nuclear spins," Nature Communications 13, 5486 (2022) [News & Views in Nature Physics], [Selected for Quantum "Focus" in Nature Communications]
- Xingyu Gao, Sumukh Vaidya, Kejun Li, Peng Ju, Boyang Jiang, Zhujing Xu, Andres E. Llacsahuanga Allcca, Kunhong Shen, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Sunil A. Bhave, Yong P. Chen, Yuan Ping and Tongcang Li, "Nuclear spin polarization and control in hexagonal boron nitride," Nature Materials (2022).
- Grigory Lihachev, Johann Riemensberger, Wenle Weng, Junqiu Liu, Hao Tian, Anat Siddharth, Viacheslav Snigirev, Rui Ning Wang, Jijun He, Sunil A. Bhave and Tobias J. Kippenberg, "Low-noise frequency-agile photonic integrated lasers for coherent ranging," Nature Communications 13, 3522 (2022).
- Farid Kalhor, Noah F. Opondo, Shoaib Mahmud, Leif Bauer, Li-Ping Yang, Sunil A. Bhave and Zubin Jacob, "Optically induced static magnetic field in the ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond," Optics Letters 47, 3347-3350 (2022).
- Hao Tian, Junqiu Liu, Anat Siddharth, Rui Ning Wang, Terence Blésin, Jijun He, Tobias J. Kippenberg and Sunil A. Bhave, "Magnetic-free silicon nitride integrated optical isolator," Nature Photonics 15, 828-836 (2021) [News & Views]
- Terrence Blésin, Hao Tian, Sunil A. Bhave and Tobias J. Kippenberg, "Quantum coherent microwave-optical transduction using high overtone bulk acoustic resonances," Physical Review A 104, 052601.
- Xingyu Gao, Boyang Jiang, Andres E. Llacsahuanga Allcca, Kunhong Shen, Mohammad A. Sadi, Abhishek B. Solanki, Peng Ju, Zhujing Xu, Pramey Upadhyaya, Yong P. Chen, Sunil A. Bhave and Tongcang Li, "High-contrast plasmonic-enhanced shallow spin defects in hexagonal boron nitride for quantum sensing," Nano Letters 21(18) 7708-7714 (2021).
- Calvin M. Jones, Mustafa M. Torunbalci, and Sunil A. Bhave, "Deep isotropic chemical etching (DICE) process for fabricating highly symmetric hemispherical silicon molds," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 31, 075005 (2021).
- Peter Meisenheimer, Rachel Steinhardt, Suk Hyun Sung, Logan Williams, Shihao Zhuang, Mark Nowakowski, Steve Novakov, Mustafa Torunbalci, Bhagwati Prasad, Chris Zollner, Zhe Wang, Natalie Dawley, Juergen Schubert, Alan Hunter, Sasikanth Manipatruni, Dmitri Nikonov, Ian Young, Long-Qing Chen, Jeffrey Bokor, Sunil A. Bhave, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Jia-Mian Hu, Emmanouil Kioupakis, Robert Hovden, Darrell Schlom, and John Heron, "Engineering new limits to magnetostriction through metastability in iron-gallium alloys," Nature Communications 12, 2757 (2021).
- Boyang Jiang, Noah P. Opondo and Sunil A. Bhave, "Semi-insulating 4H-SiC lateral bulk acoustic wave resonators," Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 114002 (2021).
- Hao Tian, Junqiu Liu, Anat Siddharth, Terence Blésin, Tobias J. Kippenberg and Sunil A. Bhave, "X-Band AOM on Chip," 34th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2021) Jan 25-29, 2021, pp. 210-213.
- Daniel Carney, Gordan Krnjaic, David C. Moore, Cindy A. Regal, Gadi Afek, Sunil Bhave, Benjamin Brubaker, Thomas Corbitt, Jonathan Cripe, Nicole Crisosto, Andrew Geraci, Sohitri Ghosh, Jack G. E. Harris, Anson Hook, Edward W. Kolb, Jonathan Kunjummen, Rafael F. Lang, Tongcang Li, Tongyan Lin, Zhen Liu, Joseph Lykken, Lorenzo Magrini, Jack Manley, Nobuyuki Matsumoto, Alissa Monte, Fernando Monteiro, Thomas Purdy, C. Jess Riedel, Robinjeet Singh, Swati Singh, Kanupriya Sinha, Jacob M. Taylor, Juehang Qin, Dalziel J. Wilson, Yue Zhao, "Mechanical Quantum Sensing in the Search for Dark Matter," Quantum Science and Technology 6 024002 (2021).
- Sen Dai, Sunil A. Bhave and Renyuan Wang, "Octave tunable magnetostatic YIG resonators on a chip," IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 67(11) 2454-2460 (2020).
- Junqiu Liu, Hao Tian, Erwan Lucas, Arslan S. Raja, Grigory Lihachev, Rui Ning Wang, Jijun He, Tianyi Liu, Miles H. Anderson, Wenle Weng, Sunil A. Bhave and Tobias J. Kippenberg, "Monolithic piezoelectric control of soliton microcombs," Nature 583, 385–390 (2020).
- Hao Tian, Junqiu Liu, Bin Dong, J Connor Skehan, Michael Zervas, Tobias J. Kippenberg and Sunil A. Bhave, "Hybrid Integrated Photonics Using Bulk Acoustic Resonators," Nature Communications 11, 3073 (2020).
- Huiyao Chen, Sunil A. Bhave and Gregory D. Fuchs, "Acoustically driving the single quantum spin transition of diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers," Physical Review Applied 13, 054068 (2020).
- Renyuan Wang and Sunil A. Bhave, "Lithium niobate optomechanical disk resonators," 2020 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (IFCS 2020).
- Yogesh Patil, Harry Cheung, Sunil A. Bhave and Mukund Vengalattore, "System design of a cold atom gyroscope based on interfering matter-wave solitons" 7th IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors & Systems (IEEE Inertial 2020), Hiroshima, Japan, March 23-26, 2020.
- Mert Torunbalci and Sunil A. Bhave, "Mechanically driven magnetic anisotropy," 33rd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2020), Vancouver, Canada, Jan 18-22, 2020, pp. 1145-1148.
- Flavien Gyger, Junqiu Liu, Fan Yang, Jijun He, Arslan S. Raja, Rui Ning Wang, Sunil A. Bhave, Tobias J. Kippenberg and Luc Thevenaz, "Observation of stimulated Brillouin scattering in silicon nitride integrated waveguides," Physical Review Letters 124, 013902 (2020).
- David Awschalom, Karl K. Berggren, Hannes Bernien, Sunil Bhave, Lincoln D. Carr, Paul Davids, Sophia E. Economou, Dirk Englund, Andrei Faraon, Marty Fejer, Saikat Guha, Martin V. Gustafsson, Evelyn Hu, Liang Jiang, Jungsang Kim, Boris Korzh, Prem Kumar, Paul G. Kwiat, Marko Loncar, Mikhail D. Lukin, David A. B. Miller, Christopher Monroe, Sae Woo Nam, Prineha Narang, Jason S. Orcutt, Michael G. Raymer, Amir H. Safavi-Naeini, Maria Spiropulu, Kartik Srinivasan, Shuo Sun, Jelena Vukovic, Edo Waks, Ronald Walsworth, Andrew M. Weiner and Zheshen Zhang, "Development of Quantum Interconnects (QuICs) for Next-Generation Information Technologies, " PRX Quantum 2, 017002 (2020).
- Huiyao Chen, Noah F. Opondo, Boyang Jiang, Evan R. MacQuarrie, Raphaël S. Daveau, Sunil A. Bhave and Gregory D. Fuchs, "Engineering electron-phonon coupling of quantum defects to a semi-confocal acoustic resonator," Nano Letters, 19(10) 7021-7027 (2019).
- Mert Torunbalci, Suresh Sridaran, Richard C. Ruby and Sunil A. Bhave, "Mechanically modulated microwave circulator," 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’19), Berlin, Germany, June 23-27, 2019, pp. 713-716.
- Boyang Jiang, Noah Opondo, Gary Wolfowicz, David D. Awschalom and Sunil A. Bhave, “SiC cantilevers for generating uniaxial stress,” 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’19), Berlin, Germany, June 23-27, 2019, pp. 1655-1658.
- Umesh Bhaskar, Sunil A. Bhave and Dana Weinstein, “Silicon acoustoelectronics with thin film lithium niobate,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52(5) 05LT01 (2019).
- Mert Torunbalci, Pramey Upaddhyaya, Sunil A. Bhave and Kerem Y. Camsari, “Modular compact modeling of MTJ devices,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 65(10) 4628-4634 (2018).
- Pen-Li Yu and Sunil A. Bhave, "Circularly polarized mechanical resonances," 2018 Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2018), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 3-7, 2018, pp. 210-213.
- Mert Torunbalci, Trevor J. Odelberg, Suresh Sridaran, Richard C. Ruby and Sunil A. Bhave, "An FBAR circulator," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 28(5), 395-397 (2018).
- Jonathan M. Puder, Jeffrey S. Pulskamp, Ryan Q. Rudy, Cristian Cassella, Matteo Rinaldi, Guofeng Chen, Sunil A. Bhave and Ronald G. Polcawich, "Rapid harmonic analysis of piezoelectric MEMS resonators," IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 65(6) 979-990 (2018).
- Pen-Li Yu, Noah Opondo, Sen Dai, Boyang Jiang, Dallas Morisette and Sunil A. Bhave, "Single crystalline 4H-SiC membrane resonators," IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (FCS 2018), Olympic Valley, CA, May 21-24, 2018.
- Jonathan M. Puder, Jeffrey S. Pulskamp, Ryan Q. Rudy, Ronald G. Polcawich and Sunil A. Bhave, "A method for the suppression of multiple spurious modes," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 27(2) 269-275 (2018).
- Bin Dong, Hao Tian, Michael Zervas, Tobias J. Kippenberg and Sunil A. Bhave, "PORT: A piezoelectric optical resonance tuner," 31st IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2018), Belfast, Ireland, Jan 21-25, 2018, pp. 739-743.
- Mert Torunbalci, Sen Dai, Ajay K. Bhat and Sunil A. Bhave,,"Acceleration insensitive hemispherical shell resonators using pop-up rings,"31st IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2018), Belfast, Ireland, Jan 21-25, 2018, pp. 956-959.
- Mert Torunbalci, Tanay A. Gosavi, Kerem Y. Camsari and Sunil A. Bhave, "Magneto acoustic spin hall oscillators," Scientific Reports 8, 1119 (2018).
- Jonathan M. Puder, Jeffrey S. Pulskamp, Ryan Q. Rudy, Ronald G. Polcawich and Sunil A. Bhave, "A general analytical formulation for the motional parameters of piezoelectric MEMS resonators," IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 65(3) 476-488 (2018).
- Saber Moradi, Sunil A. Bhave and Rajit Manohar, "Energy-efficient hybrid CMOS-NEMS LIF neuron circuit in 28 nm CMOS process," IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2017), Honolulu, HI, Nov 27 - Dec 1, 2017, pp. 1-5.
- Jonathan M. Puder, Jeffrey S. Pulskamp, Ryan Q. Rudy, Ronald G. Polcawich and Sunil A. Bhave, "Orders of magnitude reduction in acoustic resonator simulation times via the wide-band rapid analytical-FEA technique," IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (FCS 2017), Besancon, France, July 9-13, 2017, pp. 807-810.
- Pen-Li Yu and Sunil A. Bhave, "Acoustic delay lines to measure piezoelectricity in 4H silicon carbide," IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (FCS 2017), Besancon, France, July 9-13, 2017, pp. 139-142.
- Jonathan M. Puder, Jeffrey S. Pulskamp, Ryan Q. Rudy, Ronald G. Polcawich and Sunil A. Bhave, "Analytical modeling of low-loss disk flexure resonators," IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (FCS 2017), Besancon, France, July 9-13, 2017, pp. 554-557.
- Jonathan M. Puder, Jeffrey S. Pulskamp, Ryan Q. Rudy, Ronald G. Polcawich and Sunil A. Bhave, "Fundamental limits of disk flexure resonators," IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (FCS 2017), Besancon, France, July 9-13, 2017, pp. 558-560.
- Tanay A. Gosavi and Sunil A. Bhave, "Magneto-acoustic oscillator," 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’17), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 18-22, 2017, pp. 448-451.
- Tanay A. Gosavi, Sasikanth Manipatruni, Sriharsha V. Aradhya, Graham E. Rowlands, Dimitri Nikonov, Ian A. Young and Sunil A. Bhave, "Experimental demonstration of efficient spin-orbit torque switching of an MTJ with sub-100ns pulses," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 53(9) 3400607 (2017).
- Siddharth Tallur and Sunil A. Bhave, "Extremely wide tuning range of mechanical oscillation of a silicon waveguide driven by optical gradient force," 2016 Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2016), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 5-9, 2016, pp. 5-8.
- Renyuan Wang, Sunil A. Bhave, Sergei Zhgoon and Kushal Bhattacharjee, "Multi-Frequency LiNbO3 Lamb Wave Resonators with < 3 Ohm Impedance," 29th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2016), Shanghai, China, January 24-28, 2016, pp. 679-682.
- Evan R. MacQuarrie, Tanay A. Gosavi, Sunil A. Bhave and Greg D. Fuchs, "Continuous dynamical decoupling of a single diamond nitrogen-vacancy center spin with a mechanical resonator," Physical Review B 92, 224419 (2015).
- Tanay A. Gosavi, Evan R. MacQuarrie, Greg D. Fuchs and Sunil A. Bhave, "HBAR as high frequency high stress generator," IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Ultrasonics 2015), Taipei, Taiwan, October 21-24, 2015, pp. 1-4.
- Renyuan Wang and Sunil A. Bhave, "Etch-a-sketch filter," 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’15), Anchorage, AK, June 21-25, 2015, pp. 2276-2279
- Matthew J. Storey, Ajay K. Bhat and Sunil A. Bhave, "Selective transduction of wine-glass vibration mode using differential optomechanics," 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’15), Anchorage, AK, June 21-25, 2015, pp. 1005-1008.
- Jonathan M. Puder, Sarah S. Bedair, Jeffrey S. Pulskamp, Ryan Q. Rudy, Ronald G. Polcawich and Sunil A. Bhave, "Higher dimensional flexural modes for enhanced electromechanical coupling in PZT-on-silicon MEMS resonators," 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’15), Anchorage, AK, June 21-25, 2015, pp. 2017-2020.
- Siddharth Tallur and Sunil A. Bhave, "Non-linear dynamics in optomechanical oscillators," 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’15), Anchorage, AK, June 21-25, 2015, pp. 993-996.
- Tanay Gosavi and Sunil A. Bhave, "Model for acoustic locking of spin torque oscillators," IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (FCS 2015), Denver, Colorado, April 12-16, 2015, pp. 68-71.
- Renyuan Wang, Sunil A. Bhave and Kushal Bhattacharjee, "Design and fabrication of S0 Lamb wave thin-film Lithium Niobate micromechanical resonators," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 24(2) 300-308 (2015).
- Siddharth Tallur and Sunil A. Bhave, "Partial Gap Transduced MEMS Opto-Acoustic Oscillator Beyond GHz," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 24(2) 422-430 (2015).
- Ajay K. Bhat, Matthew J. Storey and Sunil A. Bhave, "Optomechanical sensing of wine-glass modes of a BAW resonator," IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (ISISS 2015), Big Island, Hawaii, March 23-26, 2015, pp. 99-100.
- Evan R. MacQuarrie, Tanay A. Gosavi, A. M. Moehle, Nick R. Jungwirth, Sunil A. Bhave and Greg D. Fuchs, "Coherent control of a nitrogen-vacancy center spin ensemble with a diamond mechanical resonator," Optica 2(3) 233-238 (2015).
- Renyuan Wang, Sunil A. Bhave and Kushal Bhattacharjee, "Etch-a-sketch resonator," 2014 Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2014), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 8-12, 2014, pp. 101-102.
- Ajay K. Bhat, Laura Fegely, and Sunil A. Bhave, "GOBLiT: A Giant Optomechanical Bulk-machined Light Transducer," 2014 Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2014), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 8-12, 2014, pp. 247-250.
- Renyuan Wang and Sunil A. Bhave, "High Optical Q, GHz FSR Lithium Niobate-on-silicon photonic resonators," 2014 Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2014), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 8-12, 2014, pp. 411-414.
- Renyuan Wang, Sunil A. Bhave, and Kushal Bhattacharjee, "Low TCF lithium tantalate contour mode resonators," IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (FCS 2014), Taipei, Taiwan, May 19-22, 2014, pp. 563-566.
- Benjamin Z. Tang, Sunil Bhave and Rajit Manohar, "Low Power Asynchronous VLSI with NEM Relays," 20th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC 2014), Potsdam, Germany, May 12-14, 2014, pp. 85-92.
- Matthew J. Storey, Siddharth Tallur and Sunil A. Bhave, "Radiation pressure enhanced opto-acoustic oscillator," 27th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2014), San Francisco, California, January 26-30, 2014, pp. 1209-1212.
- Evan R. MacQuarrie, Tanay A. Gosavi, Nick R. Jungwirth, Sunil A. Bhave and Greg D. Fuchs, "Mechanical spin control of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond," Physical Review Letters 111, 227602 (2013).
- Siddharth Tallur and Sunil A. Bhave, "Rayleigh scattering boosted multi-GHz displacement sensitivity in whispering gallery opto-mechanical resonators," Optics Express 21, 27780-27788 (2013).
- Siddharth Tallur and Sunil A. Bhave, "A silicon electromechanical photodetector," Nano Letters 13(6) 2760-65 (2013).
- Renyuan Wang, Sunil A. Bhave, and Kushal Bhattacharjee, "Modeling of interdigitated transducer for high-order contour-mode resonators," IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Ultrasonics 2013), Prague, Czech Republic, July 21-25, 2013, pp. 1926-1929.
- Siddharth Tallur and Sunil A. Bhave, "Monolithic 2 GHz electrostatically actuated MEMS oscillator with opto-mechanical frequency multiplier," 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’13), Barcelona, Spain, June 16-20, 2013, pp. 1472-1475.
- Renyuan Wang, Sunil A. Bhave, and Kushal Bhattacharjee, "Thin-film high kt2Q, multi-frequency lithium niobate resonators," 26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2013), Taipei, Taiwan, January 20-24, 2013, pp. 165-168.
- Siddharth Tallur and Sunil A. Bhave, "Comparison of f-Q scaling in wineglass and radial modes in ring resonators," 26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2013), Taipei, Taiwan, January 20-24, 2013, pp. 777-780.
- Renyuan Wang, Sunil A. Bhave, and Kushal Bhattacharjee, "Thin-film lithium niobate contour-mode resonators," IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Ultrasonics 2012), Dresden, Germany, October 7-10, 2012, pp. 303-306.
- Siddharth Tallur and Sunil A. Bhave, "Electro-mechanically induced GHz rate optical frequency modulation in silicon," IEEE Photonics Journal 4(5) 1474-1483 (2012).
- Siddharth Tallur and Sunil A. Bhave, "Acousto-optic frequency modulator" 2012 Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2012), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 3-7, 2012, pp. 92-93.
- Benjamin Z. Tang, Stephen Longfield Jr., Sunil Bhave and Rajit Manohar, "A low power asynchronous GPS baseband processor," 18th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC 2012), Lyngby, Denmark, May 7-9, 2012, pp. 33-40.
- Siddharth Tallur and Sunil A. Bhave, "Simultaneous radiation pressure induced heating and cooling of an opto-mechanical resonator," Applied Physics Letters Applied Physics Letters 100, 111115 (2012).
- Jeffrey S. Pulskamp, Sarah S. Bedair, Ronald G. Polcawich, Gabriel L. Smith, Joel Martin, Brian Power and Sunil A. Bhave, "Electrode-shaping for the excitation and detection of permitted arbitrary modes in arbitrary geometries in piezoelectric resonators," IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 59(5) 1043-1060 (2012).
- David N. Hutchison and Sunil A. Bhave, "Z-axis optomechanical accelerometer," 25th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2012), Paris, France, January 29-Feb 2, 2012, pp. 615-619.
- Siddharth Tallur, Suresh Sridaran and Sunil A. Bhave, "A silicon nitride optomechanical oscillator with zero flicker noise," 25th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2012), Paris, France, January 29-Feb 2, 2012, pp. 19-22.
- Suresh Sridaran and Sunil A. Bhave, "1.12 GHz opto-acoustic oscillator," 25th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2012), Paris, France, January 29-Feb 2, 2012, pp 644-647.
- Sarah S. Bedair, Jeffrey Pulskamp, Ronald G. Polcawich, Daniel Judy, Adam Gillon, Sunil A. Bhave and B. Morgan, "Low loss micromachined lead zirconate titanate, contour-mode resonator with 50 Ohm termination," 25th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2012), Paris, France, January 29-Feb 2, 2012, pp. 708-712.
- Eugene Hwang, Andrew Driscoll and Sunil A. Bhave, "Platform for JFET-based sensing of RF MEMS resonators in CMOS technology," IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM 2011), Washington, DC, December 5-7, 2011, pp. 489-492.
- Siddharth Tallur, Suresh Sridaran and Sunil A. Bhave, "A monolithic radiation-pressure driven, low phase noise silicon nitride opto-mechanical oscillator," Optics Express 19 24522-24529 (2011).
- Sarah S. Bedair, Daniel Judy, Jeffrey Pulskamp, Ronald G. Polcawich, Adam Gillon, Eugene Hwang, and Sunil A. Bhave, "High rejection, tunable parallel resonance in micromachined lead zirconate titanate on silicon resonators," Applied Physics Letters 99, 103509 (2011).
- Eugene Hwang and Sunil A. Bhave, "Transduction of high frequency micromechanical resonators using depletion forces in pn-diodes," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 58(8) 2770-2776 (2011).
- Suresh Sridaran and Sunil A. Bhave, "Opto-acoustic oscillator using silicon MEMS optical modulator," 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’11), Beijing, China, June 5-9, 2011, pp. 2920-2923.
- Laura C. Fegely, David N. Hutchison and Sunil A. Bhave, "Isotropic etching of 111 SCS for wafer-scale manufacturing of perfectly hemispherical silicon molds," 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’11), Beijing, China, June 5-9, 2011, pp. 2295-2298.
- Suresh Sridaran and Sunil A. Bhave, "Electrostatic actuation of silicon optomechanical resonators," Optics Express 19 9020-9026 (2011).
- Eugene Hwang, Ronald Polcawich, Tanay Gosavi, Jeffery Pulskamp, Sunil A. Bhave and Sarah Bedair, "Cascaded channel-select filter array architecture using high-K transducers for spectrum analysis," IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (FCS 2011), San Francisco, California, May 1-5, 2011, pp. 973-978.
- Siddharth Tallur, Tiffany J. Cheng, Suresh Sridaran and Sunil A. Bhave, "Motional impedance analysis: bridging the ‘gap’ in dielectric transduction," IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (FCS 2011), San Francisco, California, May 1-5, 2011, pp. 135-138.
- Jeff Pulskamp, Sarah Bedair, Ronald Polcawich, Daniel Judy and Sunil A. Bhave, “Ferroelectric PZT RF MEMS resonators,” IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (FCS 2011), San Francisco, California, May 1-5, 2011, pp. 353-358.
- Tiffany J. Cheng, Jun Hyun Han, Michael Ziwisky, Chung Hoon Lee and Sunil A. Bhave, "6.4 GHz acoustic sensor for in-situ monitoring of AFM tip wear," 24th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2011), Cancun, Mexico, January 23-27, 2011, pp. 521-524.
- Eugene Hwang and Sunil A. Bhave, “Experimental verification of internal friction in GHz frequencies in doped single-crystal silicon,” 24th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2011), Cancun, Mexico, January 23-27, 2011, pp. 424-427.
- Jun Hyun Han, Norimasa Yoshimizu, Tiffany J. Cheng, Michael Ziwisky, Sunil A. Bhave, Amit Lal and Chung Hoon Lee, “Nano-electromechanical zero-dimensional freestanding nanogap actuator,” 24th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2011), Cancun, Mexico, January 23-27, 2011, pp. 1357-1360.
- Hengky Chandrahalim, Sunil A. Bhave, Ronald G. Polcawich, Jeffery S. Pulskamp, and Roger Kaul, "PZT transduction of high-overtone contour-mode resonators," IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 57(9) 2035-2041 (2010). (Journal Cover)
- Eugene Hwang and Sunil A. Bhave, "An analytical and numerical study of acoustic mismatch effects on internal dielectrically transduced MEMS resonators," IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 57(7) 1664-1672 (2010).
- Ronald Polcawich, Jeff Pulskamp, Sarah Bedair, Greg Smith, Roger Kaul, Chris Kroninger, Eric Wetzel, Hengky Chandrahalim and Sunil A. Bhave, “Integrated PiezoMEMS actuators and sensors,” 2010 IEEE Sensors (Sensors 2010), Kona, Hawaii, November 1-4, 2010, pp. 2193-2196.
- Eugene Hwang and Sunil A. Bhave, "Low temperature quality factor scaling of GHz frequency silicon resonators," 2010 Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2010), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 6-10, 2010, pp. 388-389.
- Dana Weinstein and Sunil A. Bhave, "Acoustic resonance in an independent-gate FinFET," 2010 Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2010), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 6-10, 2010, pp. 459-462.
- Dana Weinstein and Sunil A. Bhave, "The resonant body transistor," Nano Letters 10(4) 1234-37 (2010).
- Siddharth Tallur, Suresh Sridaran, Sunil A. Bhave and Tal Carmon, "Phase noise modeling of opto-mechanical oscillators," IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (FCS 2010), Newport Beach, California, June 2-4, 2010, pp. 268-272.
- Suresh Sridaran and Sunil A. Bhave, "Nanophotonic devices on thin buried oxide silicon-on-insulator substrates," Optics Express 18 3850-3857 (2010).
- Sunil Bhave, “Micro- (and nano-) mechanical signal processors,” Proceedings of SPIE, 7679, Nano-electronics and high-frequency MEMS/NEMS, Orlando, Fl, April 5, 2010, pp. 76790J.
- Eugene Hwang and Sunil A. Bhave, "PN-diode transduced 3.7 GHz silicon resonator," 23rd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2010), Hong Kong, January 24-28, 2010, pp. 208-211.
- Suresh Sridaran and Sunil A. Bhave, "Silicon monolithic acousto-optic modulator," 23rd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2010), Hong Kong, January 24-28, 2010, pp. 835-838.
- Tiffany J. Cheng and Sunil A. Bhave, "High-Q, low impedance polysilicon resonators with 10nm air gaps," 23rd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2010), Hong Kong, January 24-28, 2010, pp. 695-698.
- Dana Weinstein and Sunil A. Bhave, "Internal dielectric transduction in bulk-mode resonators," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 18(6) 1401-1408 (2009).
- Hengky Chandrahalim, Sunil A. Bhave, Ronald G. Polcawich, Jeff Pulskamp, Daniel Judy and Roger Kaul, "A Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 transduced fully-differential mechanical-coupled frequency-agile filter," IEEE Electron Device Letters 30(12) 1296-1298 (2009).
- Hengky Chandrahalim, Sunil A. Bhave, Christian Rembe, Sebastian Boedecker, Babak Pourat, Ronald Polcawich and Jeff Pulskamp, "Heterodyne laser-doppler interferometric characterization of contour-mode resonators above 1GHz," IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Ultrasonics 2009), Rome, Italy, September 20-23, 2009, pp. 1044-1049.
- Hengky Chandrahalim, Sunil A. Bhave, Ronald G. Polcawich, Jeff Pulskamp, and Roger Kaul, "PZT-transduced high-overtone width-extensional resonators above 1GHz," IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Ultrasonics 2009), Rome, Italy, September 20-23, 2009, pp. 2145-2148.
- Dana Weinstein, Sunil A. Bhave, Shinya Morita, Shun Mitarai, and Koichi Ikeda, "Frequency scaling and transducer efficiency in internal dielectrically transduced silicon bar resonators," 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’09), Denver, Colorado, June 21-25, 2009, pp. 708-711.
- Eugene Hwang and Sunil A. Bhave, "Acoustic mismatch and its effects on internally transduced micromechanical resonators," IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (FCS 2009), Besançon, France, April 20-24, 2009, pp. 460-465.
- Kuan-Lin Chen, Hengky Chandrahalim, Andrew Graham, Sunil A. Bhave, Roger T. Howe and Thomas W. Kenny, "Epitaxial silicon microshell vacuum-encapsulated CMOS-compatible 200 MHz bulk-mode resonator," 22nd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2009), Sorrento, Italy, January 25-29, 2009, pp. 23-26.
- Jeff Pulskamp, Daniel Judy, Roger Kaul, Ronald Polcawich, Hengky Chandrahalim and Sunil A. Bhave, "Monolithically integrated piezo-MEMS SP2T switch and contour-mode filters," 22nd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2009), Sorrento, Italy, January 25-29, 2009, pp. 900-903.
- Hengky Chandrahalim, Sunil A. Bhave, Ronald Polcawich, Jeff Pulskamp, Daniel Judy, Roger Kaul and Madan Dubey, "Performance comparison of Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3-only and Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3-on-silicon resonators," Applied Physics Letters 93, 233504 (2008).
- Hengky Chandrahalim, Sunil A. Bhave, Ronald G. Polcawich, Jeff Pulskamp, Dan Judy and Roger Kaul, "Fully-differential mechanically-coupled PZT-on-silicon filters," IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Ultrasonics 2008), Beijing, China, November 2-5, 2008, pp. 713-716.
- Dana Weinstein and Sunil A. Bhave, "Piezoresistive sensing of a dielectrically actuated silicon bar resonator," 2008 Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2008), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 1-5, 2008, pp. 368-371.
- Hengky Chandrahalim, Sunil A. Bhave, Ronald G. Polcawich, Jeff Pulskamp, Dan Judy, Roger Kaul and Madan Dubey, "Influence of silicon on quality factor, motional impedance and tuning range of PZT-transduced resonators," 2008 Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2008), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 1-5, 2008, pp. 360-363.
- Hengky Chandrahalim and Sunil A. Bhave, "Digitally-tunable MEMS filter using mechanically-coupled resonator array," 21st IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2008), Tucson, Arizona, January 13-17, 2008, pp. 1020-1023.
- Dana Weinstein and Sunil A. Bhave, "Internal dielectric transduction of a 4.5 GHz silicon bar resonator," IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM 2007), Washington, DC, December 10-12, 2007, pp. 415-418.
- Dana Weinstein and Sunil A. Bhave, "Internal dielectric transduction: optimal position and frequency scaling," IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (54)12 2696-98 (2007).
- Hengky Chandrahalim, Sunil A. Bhave, Emmanuel Quévy and Roger T. Howe, "Aqueous transduction of poly-SiGe disk resonators," 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’07), Lyon, France, June 10-14, 2007, pp. 313-316.
- Dana Weinstein, Sunil A. Bhave, Masahiro Tada, Shun Mitarai, Shinya Morita and Koichi Ikeda, "Mechanical coupling of 2D resonator arrays for MEMS filter applications," IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (FCS 2007), Geneva, Switzerland, May 29 - June 1, 2007, pp. 1362-1365.
- Hengky Chandrahalim, Dana Weinstein, Lih Feng Cheow and Sunil A. Bhave, "High-K dielectrically transduced MEMS thickness shear mode resonators and tunable channel-select RF filters," Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 136(2) 527-539 (2007).
- Lih Feng Cheow, Hengky Chandrahalim and Sunil A. Bhave, "MEMS filter with voltage-tunable center frequency and bandwidth," 2006 Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2006), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 4-8, 2006, pp. 304-307.
- Dana Weinstein, Hengky Chandrahalim, Lih Feng Cheow and Sunil A. Bhave, "Dielectrically transduced single-ended to differential MEMS filter," IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC 2006), San Francisco, California, February 5-9, 2006, pp. 318-319.
- Hengky Chandrahalim, Dana Weinstein, Lih Feng Cheow and Sunil A. Bhave, "Channel-select micromechanical filters using high-K dielectrically transduced MEMS resonators," 19th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2006), Istanbul, Turkey, January 22-26, 2006, pp. 894-897.
- Hengky Chandrahalim, Dana Weinstein and Sunil A. Bhave, “Thickness shear mode vibrations in silicon bar resonators," IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Ultrasonics 2005), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, September 18-21, 2005, pp. 898-901.
- Sunil A. Bhave and Roger T. Howe, " Silicon nitride-on-silicon bar resonator using internal electrostatic transduction," 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers'05), Seoul, Korea, June 5-9, 2005, pp. 2139-2142.
- Sunil A. Bhave, Di Gao, Roya Maboudian and Roger T. Howe, " Fully-differential poly-SiC Lamé-mode resonator and checkerboard filter," 18th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2005), Miami, Florida, January 30 - February 3, 2005, pp. 223-226.
- Sunil A. Bhave and Roger T. Howe, " Internal electrostatic transduction for bulk-mode MEMS resonators,” 2004 Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2004), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 6-10, 2004, pp. 59-60.
- Emmanuel P. Quévy, Sunil A. Bhave, Hideki Takeuchi, Tsu-Jae King, and Roger T. Howe, "Poly-SiGe high frequency resonators based on lithographic definition of nano-gap lateral transducers," 2004 Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2004), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 6-10, 2004, pp. 360-363.
- Hideki Takeuchi, Emmanuel Quévy, Sunil A. Bhave, Tsu-Jae King, and Roger T. Howe, "Ge-blade damascene process for post-CMOS integration of nano-mechanical resonators," IEEE Electron Device Letters, 25, 529-532 (2004).
- Sunil A. Bhave, Joseph I. Seeger, Xuesong Jiang, Bernhard E. Boser, Roger T. Howe, and John Yasaitis, "An integrated, vertical-drive, in-plane-sense microgyroscope," 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers'03), Boston, Massachusetts, June 8-12, 2003, pp. 171-174.
- J. Yasaitis, M. Judy, T. Brosnihan, P. Garone, N. Pokrovskiy, D. Sniderman, S. Limb, R. Howe, B. Boser, M. Palaniapan, X. Jiang, and S. Bhave, "A modular process for integrating thick polysilicon MEMS devices with sub-micron CMOS," Proceedings of SPIE, 4979, Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology VII, Bellingjam, Washington, January 27-29, 2003, pp. 145-154.
- Tsu-Jae King, Roger T. Howe, Marie-Ange Eyoum, and Sunil A. Bhave, "Interconnect issues for integrated MEMS technologies," (invited) Advanced Metallization Conference, San Diego, California, October 2002.
- Xuesong Jiang, Sunil A. Bhave, Joseph I. Seeger, Roger T. Howe, Bernhard E. Boser, and John Yasaitis, "Σ∆ capacitive interface for a vertically-driven X&Y-axis rate gyroscope," 28th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC 2002), Florence, Italy, September 24-26, 2002, pp. 639-642.
- Sunil A. Bhave, Brian L. Bircumshaw, Yong-Sang Kim, Albert P. Pisano, Tsu-Jae King, and Roger T. Howe, "Poly-SiGe: a high-Q structural material for post-CMOS integrated RF MEMS," 2002 Solid-State Sensor, Actuator, and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2002), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 4-7, 2002, pp. 34-37.
- Sunil A. Bhave and Roger T. Howe, "Capacitive sensing techniques in frequency and time domain for GHz NEMS resonators," 1st International Conference and School on Nanoscale/Molecular Mechanics, Maui, Hawaii, May 12-17, 2002.
- Ashwin A. Seshia, Win Zin Low, Sunil A. Bhave, Roger T. Howe, and Stephen Montague, "Micromechanical Pierce oscillator for resonant sensing applications," Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems (MSM 2002), San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 22-25, 2002, pp. 162-165.
- J. V. Clark, D. Bindel, N. Zhou, S. Bhave, Z. Bai, J. Demmel, K. S. J. Pister, "Sugar: advancements in a 3D multi-domain simulation package for MEMS," Microscale Systems: Mechanics and Measurements Symposium. Portland, Oregon, June 4, 2001.
- William Chen, H. John Reekie, Sunil Bhave and Edward A. Lee, "Native signal processing on the ultrasparc in the Ptolemy environment," 30th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, November 3-6, 1996, pp. 1368-1372.