by Convergence Design Lab Admin | May 5, 2016 | 2016, Fabrication, Karthik Ramani, Luis Paredes, Recent Publications, TANGIBLE, EMBEDDED & EMBODIED INTERFACES, Wei Gao, Yunbo Zhang
Computer-aided design of flat patterns allows designers to prototype foldable 3D objects made of heterogeneous sheets of material. We found origami designs are often characterized by pre-synthesized patterns and...
by Sang Ho Yoon | Apr 4, 2016 | 2016, Embedded Input, Karthik Ramani, Ke Huo, Recent Publications, Sang Ho Yoon, TANGIBLE, EMBEDDED & EMBODIED INTERFACES
As pervasive computing is widely available during daily activities, wearable input devices which promote an eyes-free interaction are needed for easy access and safety. We propose a textile wearable device which enables a multimodal sensing input for an eyes-free...
by Convergence Design Lab Admin | Mar 14, 2016 | 2016, Fabrication, Karthik Ramani, TANGIBLE, EMBEDDED & EMBODIED INTERFACES, Yunbo Zhang
A flattenable mesh surface is a polygonal mesh surface that can be unfolded into a planar patch without stretching any polygon. This paper presents a new method for computing a slightly stretched flattenable mesh surface M from a piecewise-linear surface patch P∈R 3,...
by Convergence Design Lab Admin | Mar 14, 2016 | 2016, Karthik Ramani, Recent Publications, TANGIBLE, EMBEDDED & EMBODIED INTERFACES, Tangibles
We introduce Cubimorph, a modular interactive device that accommodates touchscreens on each of the six module faces, and that uses a hinge-mounted turntable mechanism to self-reconfigure in the user’s hand. Cubimorph contributes toward the vision of programmable...
by Sang Ho Yoon | Feb 14, 2016 | 2016, Embedded Input, Karthik Ramani, Ke Huo, Mid-air Interaction, Publications, Recent Publications, Sang Ho Yoon, TANGIBLE, EMBEDDED & EMBODIED INTERFACES, Tangibles
Abstract: We present TMotion, a self-contained 3D input that enables spatial interactions around mobile device using a magnetic sensing technique. We embed a permanent magnet and an inertial measurement unit (IMU) in a stylus. When the stylus moves around the mobile...
by vinayak | Jan 22, 2016 | 2016, Cecil Piya, Devarajan Ramanujan, HUMAN SHAPE INTERACTION, Karthik Ramani, Mid-air Interaction, Multi-touch Interaction, Recent Publications, TANGIBLE, EMBEDDED & EMBODIED INTERFACES, Vinayak
In this paper, we explore quick 3D shape composition during early-phase spatial design ideation. Our approach is to re-purpose a smartphone as a hand-held reference plane for creating, modifying, and manipulating 3D sweep surfaces. We implemented MobiSweep, a...