Interaction in mid-air can be fatiguing. A model-based method to quantify cumulative subjective fatigue for such interaction was recently introduced in HCI research. This model separates muscle units into three states: active (Ma) fatigued (Mf) or...
Study Researches ‘Gorilla-Arm’ Fatigue in Mid-Air Computer Usage
Arm fatigue accumulates during a prolonged use of mid-air interfaces such as Oculus Rift. (Purdue University Photo/Brian Huchel) WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Researchers at Purdue University’s C Design Lab are studying arm and muscle fatigue...
Modeling Cumulative Arm Fatigue in Mid-Air Interaction based on Perceived Exertion and Kinetics of Arm Motion
Quantifying cumulative arm muscle fatigue is a critical factor in understanding, evaluating, and optimizing user experience during prolonged mid-air interaction. A reasonably accurate estimation of fatigue requires an estimate of an individual's...
A Collaborative Filtering Approach to Real-Time Hand Pose Estimation
Collaborative filtering aims to predict unknown user ratings in a recommender system by collectively assessing known user preferences. In this paper, we first draw analogies between collaborative filtering and the pose estimation problem....
MotionFlow: Visual Abstraction and Aggregation of Sequential Patterns in Human Motion Tracking Data
Pattern analysis of human motions, which is useful in many research areas, requires understanding and comparison of different styles of motion patterns. However, working with human motion tracking data to support such analysis poses great...
Magoon Award for Teaching Excellence
Bill Bernstein, Devarajan Ramanujan, Joran Booth, and Sujin Jang have received this year's  Estus H. and Vashti L. Magoon Award for Teaching Excellence (2015). This award, given by the the College of Engineering, recognizes outstanding teaching...
GestureAnalyzer: Visual Analytics for Pattern Analysis of Mid-Air Hand Gestures
Understanding the intent behind human gestures is a critical problem in the design of gestural interactions. A common method to observe and understand how users express gestures is to use elicitation studies. However, these studies requires...
PuppetX: A Framework for Gestural Interactions With User Constructed Playthings
We present PuppetX, a framework for both constructing playthings and playing with them using spatial body and hand gestures. This framework allows users to construct various playthings similar to puppets with modular components representing basic...