Computational IE

Operations Research at Purdue

"Purdue IE is top notch, worldwide, and there are a lot of researchers with different backgrounds. With such diversity, collaboration can create great ideas that can solve real world challenges."

- Jun He, PhD Student

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Operations Research Faculty

  • Supervised Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Large Language Models
  • Quantum Machine Learning
  • Applications in Networking, Transportation, Robotics, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Biomedical, and Climate.
  • Digital manufacturing and supply chain resiliency
  • Industrial Internet of Things (Industry 4.0)
  • Democratization of manufacturing
  • Implementing digital transformation
  • Environmental implications of emerging technologies
  • Urban Sustainability
  • Industrial ecology
  • Complex adaptive systems
  • Applied Probability
  • inference and algorithms on networks
  • Random graphs
  • Stochastic processes
  • Complex systems
  • High-dimensional streaming data
  • Monitoring and diagnosis
  • Adaptive sampling
  • Probabilistic graphical models
  • Complex systems
  • Graph theory and network science
  • Information theory
  • Neuroimaging and brain connectomics
  • Queueing theory
  • Applied probability
  • Statistics and game theory
  • Stochastic optimization
  • Multi-objective optimization under uncertainty
  • Simulation modeling and analysis
  • Applied probability and statistics
  • Decision-making under uncertainty, applied to climate change adaptation and environmental policy
  • Flood risk modeling
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Environmental risk communication and decision support tools
  • Multi-criteria tradeoff analysis
  • Quantitative methods for systems engineering
  • Modeling and simulation methods for systems engineering
  • Programmatic risk management and risk analysis
  • Cost and schedule forecasting for technology development
  • Bayesian methods
  • Effectiveness of systems engineering management methods and processes
  • Logistics and transportation planning
  • Supply chain analytics
  • System modeling and optimization
  • Robust and stochastic optimization
  • Machine learning for constrained optimization
  • Interactions of optimization
  • Game theory and Industrial organization, with applications to model and analyze energy markets and environmental policy
  • Infrastructure sustainability and resilience
  • Disaster risk management
  • Climate change and extreme events
  • Risk and decision analysis
  • Statistical learning methods
  • Nonlinear optimization and its applications
  • Eigenvalue computation of large sparse matrices
  • Computational oncology
  • Soliton physics
  • Distributed and Large-scale Optimization
  • Computational Game Theory
  • Variational Inequalities
  • Machine Learning
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Applications in Communications, Networking, Signal Processing, and Sensor Networks
  • Control systems
  • Machine learning
  • Networks
  • Energy
  • Transportation
  • Cyber-physical systems
  • Production system modeling and analysis
  • Queueing theory and applications
  • Reliability and probability theory
  • Scheduling and sequencing
  • Simulation methodology
  • Stochastic processes and modeling
  • Real-time Control of Smart Factory and Extended Enterprises via Digital-Twin
  • Modeling Human Decision-Making (Extended Belief-Desire-Intention Model)
  • Multi-paradigm Simulations (agent, discrete event, system dynamics, virtual reality)
  • Modeling and Control of Emerging Applications (Emergency Evacuation, Healthcare, UAV/UGV Coordination, Social Network)
  • Approximation algorithms
  • Automated design and inference
  • Computational science and engineering
  • Discrete optimization
  • Machine learning
  • Medical operations research
  • Network science