Operations Research

Operations Research at Purdue

"Purdue IE is top notch, worldwide, and there are a lot of researchers with different backgrounds. With such diversity, collaboration can create great ideas that can solve real world challenges."

- Jun He, PhD Student



Vaneet Aggarwal
Professor, Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Supervised Learning

Reinforcement Learning

Large Language Models

Quantum Machine Learning

Applications in Networking, Transportation, Robotics, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Biomedical, and Climate

Stephan Biller
Harold T. Amrine Distinguished Professor, Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering;
Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business Director of Dauch Center for the Management of Manufacturing Enterprises

Research Interests

Digital-Industrial Strategy, Business and Financial Models

Resilient and Sustainable Manufacturing & Supply Chains

Production Systems, Operations Management, Enterprise Systems

Smart Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, AIoT

Digital transformation, Digital Twins

Energy Transition & Transportation

Innovation Commercialization & Go-to-Market @Scale

Hua Cai
Thomas and Jane Schmidt Rising Star Associate Professor Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering;
Joint Appointment with Environmental & Ecological Engineering

Research Interests

Environmental implications of emerging technologies

Urban sustainability

Production Systems, Operations Management, Enterprise Systems

Industrial ecology

Complex adaptive systems

Zaiwei Chen
Associate Professor, Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Reinforcement Learning

Learning in Games

Applied Probability



Souvik Dhara
Assistant Professor, Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Applied Probability

Inference and Algorithms on Networks

Applied Probability

Random Graphs

Stochastic Processes

Ana María Estrada Gomez
Assistant Professor, Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Complex Systems

High-dimensional streaming data

Monitoring and diagnosis

Adaptive sampling

Probabilistic graphical models

Joaquín Goñi Cortes
Associate Professor Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering;
Joint Appointment with Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests

Complex Systems

Graph Theory and Network Science

Information Theory

Neuroimaging and Brain Connectomics

Syed Ahmad Helmi

Assistant Professor, Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering;
Joint Appointment with School of Engineering Education
Research Interests

Operations and Supply Chain Strategy

Smart Manufacturing and Process Optimization

Digital Twin and Predictive Simulation (Discrete Events and System Dynamics

Engineering Learning Innovation and Pedagogy

Harsha Honnappa
Associate Professor, Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Queueing Theory

Statistics and Game Theory

Susan Hunter
Associate Professor Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Stochastic optimization

Multi-objective optimization under uncertainty

Simulation modeling and analysis

Applied probability and statistics

Liwei Jiang
Joining the Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering in Fall of 2025

Research Interests

Nonlinear Optimization

Nonsmooth Optimization

Stochastic Optimization

Data Science and Learning

David Johnson
Ravi and Eleanor Talwar Rising Star Associate Professor Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering;
Joint Appointment with Political Science

Research Interests

Decision-making under uncertainty, applied to climate change adaptation and environmental policy

Flood risk modeling

Sustainable agriculture

Environmental risk communication and decision support tools

Multi-criteria tradeoff analysis

Charles Robert Kenley
Professor of Practice Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Quantitative methods for systems engineering

Modeling and simulation methods for systems engineering

Programmatic risk management and risk analysis

Cost and schedule forecasting for technology development

Bayesian methods

Effectiveness of systems engineering management methods and processes

Reem Khir
Assistant Professor, Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Logistics and transportation planning

Supply chain analytics

System modeling and optimization

Robust and stochastic optimization

Machine learning for constrained optimization

Nan Kong
Professor of Biomedical Engineering;
Joint Appointment with Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Stochastic integer programming/ global optimization under uncertainty

Scheduling, resource allocation, and capacity planning in healthcare and supply chain applications

Computational modeling of disease and disease management

Computational image processing/ hyperspectral imaging/ compressive sensing

Andrew Liu
Associate Professor, Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Interactions of optimization

Game theory and Industrial organization, with applications to model and analyze energy markets and environmental policy

Nagabhushana Prabhu
Professor, Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Nonlinear optimization and its applications

Eigenvalue computation of large sparse matrices

Computational oncology

Soliton physics

Gesualdo Scutari
Pedro and Barbara Granadillo Professor, Edwardson School Industrial Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests

Distributed and Large-scale Optimization

Computational Game Theory

Variational Inequalities

Machine Learning

Big Data Analytics

Applications in Communications, Networking, Signal Processing, and Sensor Networks

Sivaranjani Seetharaman
Assistant Professor, Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Control systems, machine learning, networks, energy, transportation, cyber-physical systems

J Shanthikumar
Richard E. Dauch Chair in Manufacturing and Operations Management;
Courtesy Appointment in Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Production system modeling and analysis

Queueing theory and applications

Reliability and probability theory

Scheduling and sequencing

Simulation methodology

Stochastic processes and modeling

Young-Jun Son
James J. Solberg Head;
Ransburg Professor Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Real-time Control of Smart Factory and Extended Enterprises via Digital-Twin

Modeling Human Decision-Making (Extended Belief-Desire-Intention Model)

Multi-paradigm Simulations (agent, discrete event, system dynamics, virtual reality)

Modeling and Control of Emerging Applications (Emergency Evacuation, Healthcare, UAV/UGV Coordination, Social Network)

Mario Ventresca
Associate Professor, Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Approximation algorithms

Automated design and inference

Computational science and engineering

Discrete optimization

Machine learning

Medical operations research

Network science

Miaolan Xie
Joining the Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering in Fall of 2025

Research Interests

Stochastic Optimization

Data Science

Nonlinear Optimization

Machine Learning


Applications in Healthcare

Zhe "Jimmy" Zhang
Assistant Professor, Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

Stochastic Optimization

Distributed Optimization

Machine Learning

Zhe Zhang
Assistant Professor, Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

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