Decision Making, Cognition & Human Performance

  • Human factors engineering
  • Distributed human supervisory control
  • Team coordination and performance using information technology
  • Neurotrama
  • Assistive Technology/Rehabilitation Engineering
  • Physiological Control
  • Digital human modeling
  • Safety engineering
  • Work methods and measurement
  • Ergonomics
  • Construction safety
  • Risk management
  • Decision making
  • Health outcomes
  • Program Evaluation in Health Services research for Older Adults
  • Human Factors
  • Technical Assistance Program (TAP)
  • Safety engineering
  • Hazard Communication and Decision Support Systems
  • Cognitive ergonomics
  • Human-automation interaction
  • Multimodal/multisensory information processing
  • Adaptive displays
  • Aging and technology
  • Engineering Psychology
  • Human-Machine Compatibility
  • Transfer of Training
  • Human Aspects of Information Security
  • Quantifying intraoperative workload
  • Developing patient factors based workload models
  • Medical device design and usability testing
  • Integrating wearable sensor devices to develop intelligent health systems
  • Complex systems
  • Graph theory and network science
  • Information theory
  • Neuroimaging and brain connectomics
  • Decision-making under uncertainty, applied to climate change adaptation and environmental policy
  • Flood risk modeling
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Environmental risk communication and decision support tools
  • Multi-criteria tradeoff analysis
  • Design, monitor, and control of complex systems
  • Behavior-based dynamic control
  • Process/system model, analysis, and improvement
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Healthcare system re-engineering