Honors Courses

Honors students engaging in a hands-on project

If you're the type of student who enjoys challenging yourself and found "midstream-level" high school courses boring, slow-paced, or repetitive, then the honors program is for you. I found that the knowledge I gained from my honors courses gave me a distinct advantage over my non-honors peers in a multitude of classes and levels. The honors program teaches you how to think for yourself and make decisions that you can support with knowledge.
Jennifer Tietz
Electrical & Computer Engineering

The following courses are designed as Honors courses for students in the Honors College. Honors courses are defined as those classes which are viewed as honors-level by the university community as a whole. Only Honors students are eligible to enroll in these courses. These courses have the word "Honors" in the title and/or a section number that begins with an "H"; an example is COM 11400 (section H01) - Fundamentals of Speech Communication - Honors rather than COM 11400 (section 001) - Fundamentals of Speech Communication. Read what students say about Honors courses.

New Honors Courses Spring 2014

CE 497: Engineering of Natural Materials, Structures and Devices – CRN 13450 - This course will examine some of these examples and will explore new solutions provided by Nature to problems related to materials and structures in a wide variety of applications. We will cover aspects related to biology, basic physics and chemistry, mechanics of materials, structures and devices, modeling and prototyping. We expect to have one final project (individual or in groups) where the student will be expected to solve an open-ended problem based on Biomimicry. Such project will have components related to modeling, experiments and/or 3D Printing. Students are expected to communicate their work graphically, orally and in writing. The instructor will also host guest lecturers from Engineering and Science. Click here for additional information.

ME 597: Cyber-Physical Systems Integration for Learning – CRN 13172 - This interdisciplinary course will provide you with an opportunity to apply engineering design to address informational, motivational, or educational challenges through the integration of cyber-physical systems and learning design. Click here for additional information.

ME 297: Roller Coaster Dynamics – CRN 69906 - This course is one of the most popular and unique classes in Purdue's Engineering Curriculum. The course introduces the students to the fundamentals of modeling and dynamic analysis, through an application-first approach with sound technical footing. Students not only reinforce their understanding of basic kinematics and kinetics, but extend this understanding to the design of their own rides; starting with hand calculations and ending with visually-appealing 3D simulations. Click here for additional information.


Mathematics - MA 18100 - Honors Calculus I - is the Honors version of Calculus II. Offered only in the fall, this five-credit hour course is appropriate for those students who desire a theoretical proof-driven approach to their mathematical studies. It is designated an Honors course.

Mathematics - MA 18200 - Honors Calculus II - is the continuation of MA 18100 and is a multivariate calculus course. It is a five credit-hour course and is offered only in the spring. It is designated an Honors course.


Chemistry - CHM 13600 - General Chemistry (Honors) is for Honors students interested in obtaining a more sophisticated treatment of General Chemistry than CHM 12300/12400. This four credit-hour course, which has Calculus II as a co-requisite, offered in the fall semester only, allows Honors students to pursue a rigorous treatment of general chemistry, including atomic structure and bonding, spectroscopy, equilibria, thermodynamics and kinetics. Students who earn a C or higher in this course satisfy both their General Chemistry and Science Selective requirement. CHM 13600 is designated an Honors course for FYE Honors Program students.


Physics - PHYS 17200 (sections H01 through H09) - Modern Mechanics-Honors is the four credit-hour Honors version of Modern Mechanics, offered in the fall semester only. Covering the same general topics as PHYS 17200, this course provides an advanced treatment of the subject matter. Typically, only those students who have satisfied their Chemistry I requirement will enroll in this course. It is designated an Honors course for FYE Honors Program students.

Physics - PHYS 27200 (sections H01 through approximately H07) - Electric and Magnetic Interactions-Honors is a four credit-hour Honors course in Electric and Magnetic Interactions, offered in the spring only. It fulfills the physics requirement for all schools within the College of Engineering. This course is only appropriate for those Honors students who have completed PHYS 17200-Honors. Calculus II is a co-requisite. It is designated an Honors course for FYE Honors Program students.


First Year Engineering - ENGR 14100 (sections H01 through H08) - Honors Creativity & Innovation in Engineering I and II (title and course number are subject to change). Completion of this three and a half-credit hour, two-semester sequence (seven credit-hours total) satisfies the Transforming Ideas to Innovation I and II as well as the Science Selective requirements; although a student may be required to complete an additional Science Selective to satisfy degree requirements of his or her intended School of Engineering. This course provides an in-depth introduction to open-ended, design-driven engineering problem solving; computer programming and the various engineering disciplines. It is designated an Honors course.

Science Selective

Chemistry - CHM 13600 - General Chemistry (Honors), described above, is for Honors students who are interested in obtaining a more sophisticated treatment of general chemistry than CHM 12300/12400. This four credit-hour course is offered in the fall semester only. Students who earn a C or higher in this course satisfy both their General Chemistry and Science Selective requirement. It is designated an Honors course for FYE Honors Program students.

Optional Seminar

First Year Engineering - ENGR 10500 - First Year Engineering Seminar-Honors is offered in the spring only. This one-credit hour seminar consists of a selection of invited lectures, participation exercises, and lab tours and acquaints FYE Honors Program students with opportunities to enhance their undergraduate engineering education.

First-Year General Education Elective

Communications - COM 11400 (sections H01 through H06) - Fundamentals of Speech Communication-Honors is a three credit-hour course designed to improve the student's public speaking ability. It is required or recommended by most of the professional schools. It is designated as an Honors course for FYE Honors Program students.

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