College of Engineering Honors Program Curriculum

Most students in CoEHP enroll in a 2-semester sequence of engineering design coursework that introduces students to the engineering profession using physics-based, multidisciplinary, societally relevant content. Students develop engineering approaches to systems, generate and explore creative and innovative ideas, and use of computational methods to support design decisions. Design challenges and projects will explore a wide range of natural phenomena experimentally and computationally (utilizing Matlab and Python) and engage students in innovative thinking across the engineering disciplines at Purdue. Students experience the process of design and analysis in engineering including how to work effectively in teams of 4 all semester long. Students also develop skills in project management, engineering fundamentals, oral and graphical communication, logical thinking, and modern engineering tools. The completion of this track satisfies the first-year engineering sequence as well as the FYE physics requirement. 

ENGR 16100*- Honors Introduction to Innovation and the Physical Sciences  of Engineering Design 1 (4 credits - Fall Semester)

ENGR 16200*- Honors Introduction to Innovation and the Physical Sciences of Engineering Design 2 (4 credits - Spring Semester)

* This course sequence is the most common for first-year Engineering Honors students, and highlights academic and social learning community opportunities. Click to view example syllabi for ENGR 16100 and ENGR 16200

Students with incoming Physics C, Mechanics AP score of 5 may enroll in the 1-semester sequence of accelerated engineering design coursework that introduces students to the engineering profession using computationally focused projects with multidisciplinary, societally relevant content. Students develop engineering approaches to systems, generate and explore creative and innovative ideas, and use of computational methods to support design decisions. Design challenges and projects will explore a wide range of natural phenomena experimentally and computationally (utilizing Matlab and Python) and engage students in innovative thinking across the engineering disciplines at Purdue. Students experience the process of design and analysis in engineering including how to work effectively in teams of 4 all semester long. Students also develop skills in project management, engineering fundamentals, oral and graphical communication, logical thinking, and modern engineering tools. Students are expected to complete an Honors contract e.g., by incorporating a Milestones certification, to obtain 4 John Martinson Honors College credits for any John Martinson Honors College student. The completion of this course with Honors contract satisfies the first-year engineering sequence but not the FYE physics requirement and provides 4 Honors credits for any John Martinson Honors College student. 

ENGR 13000 - Transforming Ideas into Innovation (4 credits - Fall Semester)

Students with incoming Physics C, Mechanics AP score of 5 may enroll in the 2-semester sequence of applied design coursework that introduces students to the engineering profession through Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP). The VIP experience provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to engage in authentic and extended research and design projects related to active research areas of Purdue faculty members and national, international, and industry-sponsored design challenges. Students can participate in interdisciplinary and vertically-integrated teams (first-year through seniors) with faculty and graduate student mentors for multiple semesters to address these real-world research and design challenges.

ENGR 13300 - Transforming Ideas To Innovation, EPICS) (2 credits - Fall Semester)
ENGR 17911 - First Year Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) I (1 credit - Fall Semester)
ENGR 17912 - First Year Participation in Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) II (1 credit - Spring Semester)