George T. C. Chiu
Assistant Dean for Global Engineering Programs, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University
585 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2088
Office: HLAB 1015, DUDL 2572
- B.S. National Taiwan University, '85
- M.S. California-Berkeley, '90
- Ph.D. California-Berkeley, '94
Research Interests
- Dynamic systems and control
- Mechatronics
- Digital and functional printing and fabrication
- Motion and vibration control and perception
- Embedded systems and real-time control
Awards and Recognitions
- Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2013
- Fellow, The Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T), 2011
- 2010 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper Award, Control Systems Society, IEEE, 2010
- Faculty Engagement/Service Excellence Award, College of Engineering, Purdue University, 2010
- Team Excellence Award, College of Engineering, Purdue University, 2006
- The Ruth and Joel Spira Award, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 2004
- Teaching for Tomorrow Award, Purdue University, 2000
Selected Publications
S. Sung, N. Bajaj, J. Rhoads, G. Chiu, and B. Boudouris, "Radical Polymers Improve the Metal-Semiconductor Interface in Organic Field-Effect Transistors," Organic Electronics, Vol. 37, pp. 148-154, October 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.orgel.2016.06.020
B. Han, G.Y. Yun, J.W. Boley, S.H. Kim, J.Y. Hwang, G.T.-C. Chiu, and K. Park, "Dropwise Gelation-Dehydration Kinetics during Drop-on-Demand Printing of Hydrogel-based Materials," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 97, pp. 15-25, June 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2016.01.030
J.W. Boley, E.L. White, G.T.-C. Chiu, and R.K. Kramer, "Direct Writing Gallium-Indium Alloy for Stretchable Electronics," Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 24, pp 3501-3507, June 2014, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201303220
N. Bajaj, A. Sabater, J. Hickey, G.T.-C. Chiu, and J. Rhoads, "Design and Implementation of a Tunable, Duffing-Like Electromechanical Resonator Via Nonlinear Feedback," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 25, Iss. 1, pp. 2-10, February 2016, DOI: 10.1109/JMEMS.2015.2493447
J. Mynderse and G.T.-C. Chiu, "Two Degree-of-Freedom Hysteresis Compensation for a Dynamic Mirror Actuator," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. PP, Iss. 99, October 2015, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2015.2493038
J. Mynderse and G.T.-C. Chiu, "Modeling of a Dynamic Mirror with Antagonistic Piezoelectric Stack Actuation," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 136, No. 2, pp. 0245011-02405105, March 2014, DOI: 10.1115/1.4025671
J. Shelton and G.T.-C. Chiu, "Efficiently Generating the Ballistic Phase of Human-like Aimed Movement," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 19, No. 6, December 2014, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2014.2316156
O-S. Kwon, H. N. Zelaznik, G. Chiu, and Z. Pizlo, "Human Motor Transfer is Determined by the Scaling of Size and Accuracy of Movement," Journal of Motor Behavior, Vol. 43, Iss. 1, pp. 15-26, 2011, DOI: 10.1080/00222895.2010.520359
P.-J. Chiang, J.P. Allebach, and G.T.-C. Chiu, "Extrinsic Signature Embedding and Detection in Electrophotographic Halftoned Images through Exposure Modulation," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 6, No. 3 Part 2, September 2011, DOI: 10.1109/TIFS.2011.2156789
P-J Chiang, N. Khanna, A.K. Mikkilineni, M.V. Ortiz Segovia, S. Suh, J.P. Allebach, G.T.-C. Chiu, and E.J. Delp, "Printer and Scanner Forensics," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 26, Iss. 2, pp. 72-83, March 2009, March 2009, DOI: 10.1109/MSP.2008.931082
C.-L. Chen and G.T.-C. Chiu, "Spatially Periodic Disturbance Rejection with Spatially Sampled Robust Repetitive Control," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 130, Iss. 2, pp. 021002-1-021002-11, March 2008, DOI: 10.1115/1.2837306