Apparatus designed specifically for testing tire noise on pavement

A reflective room measures the noise given off by car parts
Everyone needs some peace and quiet.
Researchers at Herrick study how everyday things make noise -- cars, computer fans, industrial equipment, building ventilation, etc. Precise measurements allow for experiments in reducing unwanted noise, making life more pleasant for everyone. These facilities include:
- Fully anechoic room (12' x 12' x 12')
- Reverberation room (25' x 20' x 18')
- Hemi anechoic room (41' x 27' x 18')
- Audiometric room for sound quality testing (8' x 8')
- Acoustical materials laboratory with several types of impedance tubes
- Tire pavement test apparatus (TPTA) for measuring tire noise on realistic pavements at speeds up to 50 km/h
- Two-wheel chassis dynamometer with 67 inch rollers
- Anechoic wind tunnel with 18 by 24 inch test section and flow velocity up 120 mph
- 64-microphone acoustical holography array and 90 channel data acquisition system
- Various microphones, accelerometers, shakers, a laser vibrometer, high speed camera