Electric Vehicle Event Infrastructure (EVEI)

The EVEI team is working on the development of an electric remote-controlled go-kart. We are determined to spark a passion for engineering amongst high schoolers and inspire the next generation of engineers.

General Motors

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/89919225

Description: The EVEI EPICS team is working on the development of an electric remote-controlled go-kart. We are determined to spark a passion for engineering amongst high schoolers and inspire the next generation of engineers. Currently, we have three projects in progress: Geofence, Bicycle Power, and Remote Control. The Geofence team's project involves the implementation of advanced geofencing technology to ensure the vehicle's safety and security. This technology will prevent the vehicle from moving beyond a predefined geographical area. The project of the Bicycle Power team involves constructing a mechanism that illuminates a pole visually to showcase the amount of power generated by pedaling a bicycle. The Remote Control team's project involves allowing people to drive the vehicle remotely, providing a thrilling and immersive experience.

Area: Human Services

Division: 34

Schedule: Thursdays 10:30a - 12:20 pm