Camp Riley (CR)
Partners: Camp Riley is our biggest stakeholder. Its program is focused on allowing children with physical disabilities to realize their potential as they partake in several confidence-building adventures, such as horseback riding, swimming, zip-lining, and more. Camp Riley is hosted by Bradford Woods, our project partner. Bradford Woods seeks to promote teaching, service, and programs while promoting developmental roles for youth and adults. Our main contact person through Bradford Woods and Camp Riley is Tim Street. Other partners we have include Champ Camp, who is currently helping Camp Riley fundraise for a tree house that will potentially be built in the up-and-coming future, and Agape, which works with Camp Riley to make specialized horse saddles for the sensory trail that you will hear more about later
Mission: The core purpose of EPICS Team Camp Riley is to use our time and technical abilities to design and deliver beneficial projects to a wide range of campers who have the common goal of taking on adventures without any physical constraints.
Delivered: Sensory Trail: As campers ride on horseback through a trail the Camp Riley team designed and built, they encounter several stations appealing to four main senses: sight, smell, sound, and touch. Historic House: Camp Riley team designed and constructed an ADA-complaint ramp/path from the road to the entrance of the historic home in Bradford Woods.
Area: Human Services