Product Carbon Footprinting-Scope 3 Category 1 Assessment

Whirlpool Corporation is committed to being the best kitchen and laundry company, in constant pursuit of improving life at home. This vision requires us to think of our house and home not just in terms of the four walls around us and the communities in which we live, but of the planet that sustains us. Our products’ largest impact in terms of energy and water arises downstream in the use phase, consequently driving the largest climate impact for the company within Scope 3. We continue to progress towards our SBTi approved target of 20% reduction in emissions resulting from the use of our products (Scope 3, Category 11) by 2030, compared to 2016 levels.
Additionally, as we strive to further understand our climate impacts and potential risks, we have to quantify and analyze other categories of Scope 3 emissions. The team will utilize emissions screening results and accumulate relevant external research and assumptions in order to perform calculations and integrate results at a global scale.