City of West Lafayette Climate Action Planning

There is a global consensus that anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must be reduced to mitigate climate change. Climate change in the Midwest is projected to bring an increased frequency of days with temperatures exceeding 95˚F and alteration to historical precipitation patterns. These changes increase risks to human health and economic prosperity.
Students will build upon previous work where a GHG inventory for the City of West Lafayette was assembled. The objective of this continuing project is to assess the status of the city's progress towards GHG reduction goals, further operationalize and refine GHG reduction goals, assess the current GHG data collection method and create a sustainable long-term process and standard operating procedure for the city to collect such data. A priority next step is to support the development of an action plan for climate adaptation and mitigation that is focused on community involvement and education, which will include development of web-based content geared towards West Lafayette community members.
The aim of this portion of the Climate Action Plan is to build on and improve on efforts from the previous team towards lowering West Lafayette’s municipal greenhouse gas emissions. An additional goal of this team is to generate a website for the Go Greener Commission, with the intent of increasing community involvement and sustainability education. This website will be key in efforts to spread awareness by providing relevant calculations and data which are used to show the changes both individuals and local government can make to reduce their carbon footprints. Lastly, this data enables citizens to follow the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement while ensuring that their municipalities are making strides to do the same