Air Quality Education and Outreach Program

The Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission (NIRPC) is a regional council of local governments serving the citizens of Lake, Porter, and LaPorte counties in Northwest Indiana. NIRPC provides a forum that enables the citizens of Northwest Indiana to address regional issues relating to transportation, the environment and community, and economic development.
Every four years, NIRPC’s conducts a survey to assess northwest Indiana residents’ knowledge and perception of air quality; the last survey was completed in 2017. Based on the finding, NIRPC needs to continue to improve outreach and educational efforts to better inspire residents and businesses to make adjustments in their daily lives to improve air quality in our region. The goal of this project is to build on and improve the Air Quality Education and Outreach efforts to the residents and businesses of Lake, Porter, and LaPorte Counties concerning their personal choices and that relationship to air quality, health and quality of life in northwest Indiana.
The objective of our senior design project is to compile information to communicate with the citizens of Lake, Porter, and LaPorte counties the impact they can have on greenhouse gas emissions in Northwest Indiana. We will use the individual activities of a standard Northwest Indiana resident to quantify his/her energy usage, money spent, and health risks as it pertains to air quality. The information collected will be presented as a video webinar presentation at the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission (NIRPC) Environmental Management Policy Committee meeting in February. This webinar will also be supplemented with a report as well as an informational, minute-long video to be shown to citizens of Northwest Indiana.