EEE still thriving! Message from John W. Sutherland

Welcome to Spring 2022! Our last newsletter was released in March 2020, at the start of what many believed would be a brief crisis.

Obviously, we have endured tremendous challenges during the years since that last communication:  remote work, masks, Zoom meetings, difficulty staying personally connected, and fear for ourselves and loved ones. While many struggled during the pandemic and a number of Purdue campus events were canceled (especially those that involved large groups), many individuals flourished and new opportunities emerged. In this welcome message, I would like to highlight some of the accomplishments and developments that have occurred since my last message.

The EEE undergraduate and graduate programs continue to grow. In 2020, 64 students received degrees from the EEE B.S. (44), M.S. (19), and Ph.D. (1) programs; in 2021, 82 students received degrees from the B.S. (53), M.S. (18), and Ph.D. (11) programs. Our EEE students continue to demonstrate their excellence. I am both proud and impressed by the diligence with which these young scholars rose to meet the challenges created by the pandemic. In summer 2021, undergraduate Madison Hodges was selected as a 2021 Udall Scholar. In fall 2021, graduate student Taymee Brandon was awarded a Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. In addition, Ph.D. candidate Kendrick Hardaway was selected as a Latinx Trailblazer Fellow by the Purdue College of Engineering.

I am delighted to welcome two new faculty members to the EEE family. Professor Rebecca Ciez started in fall 2020, jointly appointed in mechanical engineering. Her research focuses on the technologies, economics, and decision-making associated with transitioning to decarbonized energy systems. Caitlin Proctor, who first joined Purdue Engineering as a prestigious Lillian Gilbreth Postdoctoral Fellow, was named an assistant professor in January 2021 with a majority appointment in agricultural and biological engineering. She seeks to develop and promote strategies to ensure the safety of water systems, particularly drinking water distribution systems.  Dr. Lindsey Payne has assumed a larger role within EEE as a professor of engineering practice; her emphasis is on community engagement and transdisciplinary decision-making in community-engaged design, including water-quality programs and climate-action planning. We are also pleased to announce that Professors Linda Lee (AGRY/EEE) and Carol Handwerker (MSE/EEE) have joined the core EEE faculty.

In addition to our students’ achievements, several EEE faculty members have been recognized for their accomplishments. Professor Shweta Singh received the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Environmental Division Early Career Award , Professor Inez Hua was named a Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists, and Professor Brady Hardiman accepted the Richard L. Kohls Outstanding Early Career Teaching Award. Yours truly was also named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in late 2021.

Perhaps our faculty’s greatest achievement was the successful transition to remote-learning, which happened abruptly and endured longer than many of us anticipated. We adopted new technologies and pedagogical approaches to ensure EEE students continued to receive a world-renowned education and one-on-one attention; our faculty then faced challenges in transitioning back to in-person instruction, as all us adapted to the “new normal” after lockdown. As I write this note in March 2022, it appears that brighter days are ahead. Let’s hope that my optimism becomes reality! 

I hope that you and your families have weathered the storm and stay well in the weeks and months ahead.  Please stay in touch! We love to hear updates from alumni and are always eager to strengthen relationships with our peer institutions and corporate partners.

Boiler up!


Professor John W. Sutherland
Fehsenfeld Family Head of Environmental and Ecological Engineering