EEE Insights — Spring 2019

Greetings from Purdue EEE!

As the 17th century English poet John Donne wrote, "No man is an island." This has never been truer than it is today. We are faced with enormous environmental challenges as a society, and only through collaborations, alliances, and person-to-person connections can we hope to thrive in the years ahead. This call to action requires each of us to look beyond traditional boundaries and forge relationships with others to address the wicked problems of sustainability.

College of Engineering Faculty Awards

Three EEE faculty members have been recognized with College of Engineering Faculty Excellence Awards for their contributions to teaching, research and online education. The awards were presented at the Faculty Recognition Banquet on April 5. The recipients are:


Awards received by faculty and staff in EEE.

Named Professorships

The Purdue University Board of Trustees in October 2018 ratified two named faculty positions for EEE faculty.

Qi Erica Wang

Environmental and Ecological Engineering sophomore Qi Erica Wang hasn’t wasted any time starting her career as a water safety specialist. She jumped right into research as a freshman, and this summer will present in Denver at the national conference of the American Water Works Association (AWWA).

EEE Alumni Profiles

In this newsletter we feature three alums, Marisa Henry and Andrew Yacinthe received BSEEE and Jacob Widner was the first MSEEE graduate.

EEE EAC Profiles

EEE has an external advisory council (EAC) that participates in on-site meetings twice a year. They provide feedback on the current state of environmental engineering.

Fred Fehsenfeld

(October 10, 1924 -- November 28, 2018)

Purdue Environmental and Ecological Engineering (EEE) is deeply saddened by the passing of Fred M. Fehsenfeld, the founder of the EEE Fehsenfeld Family Headship.

New EEE Employee

Cresta Cates joined EEE in January 2019 as the Graduate Administrative Assistant. Her higher ed experience began in law schools at her alma mater, the University of South Carolina, and continued across the US to Santa Clara University in California. She has continued to work with graduate education since coming to Purdue in 2013 when she joined the Ingestive Behavior Research Center as their administrative assistant.