
December 1, 2021

Entrepreneurs talk about mentors: Anurag Garg of Plex Systems Inc.

Anurag Garg is a Purdue alumnus and Vice President of Product Management at Plex Systems Inc. He earned his bachelor’s degree and master’s degree from Purdue University’s Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In 2012, he founded Bearing Analytics. The company was renamed Dattus in 2013.
November 12, 2021

Pol receives DoD award to test Li-ion batteries at extreme temperatures

Vilas Pol, Professor of Chemical Engineering in the Davidson School of Chemical Engineering, was one of three Purdue Engineering researchers awarded a grant from the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP). These grants will be provided to 81 institutions across 35 states in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022.
November 5, 2021

Bottorff fellow researches acupuncture for neuropathic pain treatment

Neuropathic pain (NP) affects nearly 16 million Americans. It happens when the nervous system is damaged or not working properly. Diabetes accounts for about 30 percent of NP cases, with other culprits including alcoholism, shingles, phantom pain from amputation, central nervous disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, and trauma or surgeries with resulting nerve damage.
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