HannahJoy Pheasant: Blog from Kenya

As a follow-up to the Kenya trip this summer, HannahJoy will be presenting at seminar, along with her fellow travelers, at 3:30 pm on Monday, August 27 in Lilly Hall 2-425. The seminar will also be offered online at https://gomeet.itap.purdue.edu/africa

Stranger in this World

Kenya! That is where I am this summer. I am working at AMPATH (www.ampathkenya.org), which is an HIV/AIDS clinic run in partnership with IU Medical School. In the past several years AMPATH has expanded to include agricultural development, income-generating activities, etc. A group of students and a professor from Purdue are here working on various agriculture-related projects. I am supposed to work on redoing the AMPATH extension workers' agriculture training manual. I left Indiana near the end of May and will be in Kenya until August.

Update: August 7

Update: August 5

Update: August 3

Update: August 1

Update: July 20

Update: July 18

Update: July 15

Update:July 12

Update: July 8

Update: July 2

Update: June 30

Update: June 26

Update: June 18

Update: June 13

Update: June 7

You can also follow HannahJoy's blog directly at http://hjs-world.blogspot.com/