DeLaurentis named INCOSE Fellow
AAE Professor Daniel DeLaurentis has been named a Fellow for The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE).
DeLaurentis was one of five fellows selected in 2021 by INCOSE, a not-for-profit membership organization founded in 1990 to develop and spread interdisciplinary principles and practices that enable successful systems.
Fellows are INCOSE members who have been recognized as having made significant, verifiable contributions to the field of Systems Engineering in industry, government or academia. The recognition is awarded to individual members for life. Of INCOSE’s more than 18,000 members, only 84 are fellows.
DeLaurentis, who has been an INCOSE member since 2009, was recognized for “outstanding contributions to modeling and simulation methodology and to design theory for system of systems and complex aerospace vehicles.”
"I am deeply honored by this selection and especially gratified since INCOSE recognizes both research contributions and impact to the practice,” said DeLaurentis, whose work has impacted several application domains, including aircraft/spacecraft design, air transportation, space exploration and battle management for missile defense.
DeLaurentis, who joined the AAE faculty in 2004, was one of the School’s first hires in the “system of systems” signature area. He established research foundations that were universally recognized as urgently needed. He provided ways of understanding, structuring and formulating problems; developed new approaches for modeling and analysis on those well-formulated problems; and extended analysis approaches to the task of design and optimization in a manner appropriate to system of systems.
In 2011, spurred especially by growing work with the Missile Defense Agency, DeLaurentis led the formation and became the Director of the Center for Integrated Systems in Aerospace (CISA) at Purdue, in which over 15 additional faculty and staff collaborate and contribute to advancing methods and tools for systems problems touching aerospace. The Center seeks to advance the science of integration in multiple domains: Next-generation Air Transportation Architectures, including the presence of revolutionary aerospace vehicles, new business models and alternate policy constructs; integrated defense/command and control/battle management; and human and robotic space exploration.
"Any kind of personal honor such as this is in large part a reflection of the outstanding students and professional staff that have contributed so much to my journey and efforts at Purdue AAE," DeLaurentis said.