Purdue AAE graduate program ranks #6

The Purdue AAE graduate program has been ranked #6 for 2019 by U.S. News & World Report.
Purdue Aeronautics and Astronautics ranked 6th best graduate engineering program
U.S. News & World report released its rankings of Graduate Programs for 2019; Purdue AAE held steady at #6

The Purdue AAE graduate program has been ranked #6 for 2019 by U.S. News & World Report.

The latest national rankings place Purdue AAE in the same position as last year. The rankings recognize the hard work and excellence of the Purdue program and its students and faculty.

The Purdue AAE graduate program is known for its leadership in academics and research.

The College of Engineering moved to the #7 position, up from #8 last year. The discipline rankings are based entirely on peer evaluations, whereas the college rankings are a combination of peer and recruiter assessments, along with a variety of performance-based factors.

Publish date: March 20, 2018