Frueh teaches one-week intensive short course at NASA

AAE assistant professor Carolin Frueh was invited by NASA's Chris D'Souza to teach "Optical Sensor and Measurements Modeling" at Johnson Space Center in Houston.
Carolin Frueh
Carolin Frueh

AAE assistant professor Carolin Frueh taught a one-week intensive short course, “Optical Sensor and Measurements Modeling,” at NASA Johnson Space Center in August in Houston.

Frueh was invited to JSC by Chris D’Souza, NASA’s deputy chief for the GNC Autonomous Flight Systems Branch.

The short course was on modeling of optical sensors, image processing and image inversion for the potential use of onboard navigation, covering the range of far field (star trackers), mid-field (semi-resolved) and near-field (fully resolved, at docking) imaging.

“The background was to explore the use of sensors for more than one onboard task and understand what can be achieved,” Frueh says. “At the same time, one of the drivers is to understand what the limitations of cheap, readily available sensors are for the use in space.”

Mathematical tools were provided to compare sensor and optics in space from high-end instruments, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, to consumer instruments, such as a GoPro camera.


Publish date: September 6, 2018