AAE Co-op Spotlight: Tristan Zabicki

AAE junior Tristan Zabicki is spending her summer on co-op with GE Aviation in West Chester, OH.

Name: Tristan Zabicki

Birthplace: Chesterfield, Michigan

AAE Major/Minor Concentration: Undecided 

Student Classification (Junior, Senior, etc.):  Junior

Name and location of company/organization where you are a co-op student: GE Aviation in West Chester, Ohio

What are your job duties: My current job is in Services, more specifically CSA (Customized Service Agreement) Operations.  I am on a team of CPS’s (Contract Performance Specialists) their job is to fully understand the service contracts, be able to lead a CMR (Contract Margin Review) team for annual contract reviews, providing continuous contract monitoring activities, as well as, analyze and review the process for CMR modeling.

Why did you want to do this co-op? I wanted to do this co-op so that I could gain industry experience to build on my academic knowledge and to build my resume for the future. 

What do you hope to gain from the experience? I hope to gain a deeper understanding of GE Aviation as a company and explore possible career options for the future. My first rotation was in the design engineering military side of the business and my current role is very different in services within the commercial side of the company.  This allows me to see many different aspects of the business and learn what I enjoy as well as have a comprehensive understand of the business as a whole.

Have you done other co-ops/internships as an AAE student? This is my second rotation of my co-op with GE Aviation. For my first rotation I was located in Lynn, Massachusetts and I worked in TF/TJ (Turbo Fan/Turbo Jet) Mechanical Systems team which supported the F414 and F414 engines.  I still have three more rotations to go before my graduation and I will get to see many different GE locations and areas of the business.

What are your ultimate career goals? My short term career goal is to get into the Edison program with GE Aviation after I graduate and then get my Master’s degree. Long term I am still learning where within engineering I would like to end up but right now I am leaning toward a design engineering role.

Publish date: July 18, 2016