AAE Internship Spotlight: Zizhan Gu

AAE junior Zizhan Gu is spending his summer as an intern at Sloan Automotive Laboratory at MIT in Cambridge, MA.

Name: Zizhan Gu

Birthplace: China

Student Classification (Junior, Senior, etc.): Junior

AAE Major/Minor Concentration: Dynamics & Control/Aerodynamics

Name and location of company/organization where you are interning: Sloan Automotive Laboratory at MIT in Cambridge, MA

What are your job duties? I design and make the Graphic Utility Interface about the cooling system simulation program by using MATLAB..

Why did you want to do this co-op? This is my first internship, so the main reason of this is for experience. During this internship I can learn about the professional working environment and how people work in a laboratory.

What do you hope to gain from the experience? I hope to gain experience about working in a laboratory and exercise my skill on MATLAB coding.

What are your ultimate career goals? My ultimate career goal is to be an engineer for an aerospace company.

Publish date: June 20, 2016