Meet AAE student leader Kyle Nicholson

AAE junior Kyle Nicholson is president of Purdue SEDS.

Kyle Nicholson portraitName: Kyle Nicholson

Preferred Name: Kyle

Birthplace: Missouri

AAE Major/Minor Concentration:Propulsion/Aerodynamics

Student Classification: Junior

Name of student organization: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)

Office held within that organization: President

Tell me about the organization—its purpose and some of the events/activities:

Purdue SEDS is a group of undergraduate and graduate students from a variety of majors who are passionate about space and space exploration. Purdue SEDS provides students with opportunities to grow and share their excitement for space! Some typical events SEDS hosts are "Kerbal Nights," where members can race video game characters to the moon, as well as movie nights where films such as "The Martian" are shown.

Why would you encourage other AAE students to get involved in this organization?

This organization is all about helping members gain technical experience, connect socially with peers, and all around enjoying the Final Frontier.

Best Purdue event or organization that you participated in outside of AAE?

TPED events (Theme Park Engineering and Design)

Favorite place on campus:

Engineering Fountain

Favorite class you have taken thus far and why?

AAE 251, because it was the first taste of Aerospace and design for me.

Learn more about Purdue SEDS and other AAE student organizations.

Publish date: April 28, 2016