Students present senior design project to Dr. Buzz Aldrin

The 2016 Purdue Senior Design used the vision Dr. Buzz Aldrin outlined in his book “Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration” to develop plans for a lunar base that would serve as a stepping stone for a human mission to Mars.

Students in AAE 450: Senior Spacecraft Design and EAPS 391 presented their senior design project to Gemini and Apollo astronaut Dr. Buzz Aldrin on April 22, 2016. This semester is the first time AAE students have combined their efforts with students in Purdue’s Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences program for the senior design project. The class was taught by AAE Professor James Longuski and EAPS Assistant Professor David Minton.

Known as Project Legacy, the 2016 Purdue Senior Design used the vision Dr. Aldrin outlined in his book “Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration” to develop plans for a lunar base that would serve as a stepping stone for a human mission to Mars. The proposed moon base would be used to test technologies that would eventually be needed for astronauts to establish a base on Mars.

More information about Project Legacy can be found here.

Publish date: April 22, 2016