AAE students win Fall 2015 Orbital ATK S.P.A.C.E. Awards

One team of students from each section of Assistant Professor Michael Grant's Introduction to Aerospace Design course was recognized for its work.

ATK award recepientsCongratulations to the winners of the Fall 2015 Orbital ATK S.P.A.C.E. Awards. One team of students from each section of AAE 251- Introduction to Aerospace Design was recognized for its work. The course was taught by AAE Assistant Professor Michael Grant.

The teams were tasked with designing an orbital recovery system (ORS) consisting of three parts: 1) a rocket that will launch a space-based recovery system (SRS) into low Earth orbit (LEO), 2) a SRS capable of rendezvousing with the orbital asset from LEO and deorbiting the asset in a controlled manner, and 3) an aircraft that will catch the deorbited asset as it descends in the atmosphere on a parachute and return the asset to the launch site of the rocket.

The winning teams were chosen by Orbital ATK. Certificates were presented to the students during the Spring 2016 meeting of AAE’s Industrial Advisory Council by Dave McGrath, Orbital ATK’s Director of Systems Engineering and IAC member.

Pictured (from L to R): AAE Assistant Professor Michael Grant, Christopher Johnson, Sean McCrohan, Will Stanczykiewicz, Ricardo Gomez, Tyler Halterman, Will McNulty, Maaninee Gupta, Chris Polivick, Dave McGrath     

Publish date: April 14, 2016