AAE PhD student receives 2016 Alexander Kossiakoff Scholarship

AAE PhD student Ali Raz is the recipient of the 2016 Johns Hopkins University/ Applied Physics Laboratory Alexander Kossiakoff Scholarship from the INCOSE Foundation.

AAE PhD student Ali Raz is the recipient of the 2016 Johns Hopkins University/ Applied Physics Laboratory Alexander Kossiakoff Scholarship from the INCOSE Foundation for his research titled “A System-of-Systems Perspective on Information Fusion Systems.” Raz is the student of AAE Professor Daniel DeLaurentis.

The Kossiakoff Scholarship is designed to recognize and encourage students in master's or doctoral programs that are engaged in promising applied systems engineering research. The award comes with a $5,000 grant along with an optional paid internship at JHU/APL to work on relevant systems engineering problems. Raz was presented with a plaque January 30th at INCOSE's annual international workshop in Torrance, CA.

pictured (L-R): Ali Raz and Dr. Larry D. Strawser (Vice-Chair System Engineering – Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory)

Publish date: February 8, 2016