Funding Sources for AAE Student Organizations

Purdue Engineering Student Council (PESC) Merit Fund

The Merit Fund was started as a way for PESC to give back to Purdue’s engineering community by providing monetary support for engineering organizations on campus. Through this award, the Council strives to encourage and facilitate the creation and implementation of a wide array of engineering related activities and programs that will have an impact on Purdue and the community. Through application and interview processes, funds awarded in both the fall and spring, with a banquet held for the winners in the spring.

Student Fee Advisory Board (SFAB)

The Student Fees Advisory Board (SFAB) shall be a permanent, stand-alone committee that reports to the Purdue Student Government Senate. The mission and purpose of the SFAB shall be to provide a student-led periodic review of all undergraduate student fees.

  • Undergraduate organizations only
  • Must exceed $5,000 not including travel costs
  • Cannot receive funds from SFAB if you are receiving funds from SOGA
  • Programs, services, and activities should be directed to the student community
  • Grant application & presentation


The Student Organization Grant Allocation Board distributes funds to student organizations recognized through the Student Activities & Organizations office, supporting their activities, events, travel, and services. SOGA is a Student Resource initiative supported by Purdue Student Government.

  • Must be a registered student organization with SAO
  • Undergraduate organizations only
  • Funds will be allocated through BOSO
  • Programs, services, and activities should be directed to the student community
  • For grants $8,000 or less
  • Best for evens on campus that are free of charge or have a minimal charge to students
  • Not the best for travel, charity, equipment, or outreach programs for children


The Graduate Student Organization Grant Allocation (GSOGA) award provides funding to graduate student organizations to support their activities, events, and programs. Such activities and events should enhance graduate student quality of life, allow opportunities for academic, professional, and personal development, promote engagement with the community, and create a forum for the exchange of information and ideas. There are three funding periods for 2018-2019: two in the fall and one in the spring. The maximum grant amount is $1,500.

Community Service Student Grant

The Community Service/Service-Learning Student Grant Program, facilitated by Purdue's Office of Engagement, provides grants to Purdue students or student organizations for community service projects.

The program fosters the expansion of community service involvement including Service-Learning and experiential learning opportunities by Purdue students in partnership with communities, non-profit agencies, schools, and governmental bodies.

The University will fund projects/services that will encourage students to become involved in community life by assisting in solving problems or providing a service while utilizing their education and expertise. The program is intended to give students an opportunity to expand their learning environment.

Grant amounts range from $100 to $500 for an individual or a maximum of $1,500 for a team or organization.

Please contact Lisa Duncan or call 765-494-0899 with any questions or issues.

Co-Sponsorship Award

Purdue Student Government Co-Sponsorship Awards help your student organization put on a great event by providing up to $500 in funding for common expenses. Co-Sponsorship Awards come in 4 flavors: Equipment Awards cover necessary products, apparel, advertising or additional items required to carry out the event; Food Awards cover food purchases up to $10 per person; Travel Awards supplement transportation and lodging expenses; Space Awards help with costs related to reserving venues and arranging seats. Recipients of these awards are decided at monthly meetings chaired by the PSG Treasurer so please apply at least four weeks in advance of your event.

Co-Sponsorship of Joint Networks

Purdue Student Government Co-Sponsorship of Joint Networks funds student organizations at amounts between $500 and $2,500 and works closely with student organizations to plan and audit their event. Co-Sponsorship of Joint Networks are debated and voted on during biweekly Senate meetings. Following a monetary award, two PSG representatives will be in regular contact with the student organization to provide any support they might need. Student Organizations should apply for a Co-Sponsorship of Joint Networks 4 weeks prior to their event and 2 weeks prior to the next Senate meeting.

Cash for Collaboration

Cash for Collaboration is a relatively new project whose primary purpose is to award student organizations cash that is to be used to work together on an event that benefits the entire Purdue community. The money for this event is a gift from the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. To begin, attend the Cash for Collaboration Kick-Off event where you can find an organization that you would like to partner with. Then fill out the application and discuss your event in great detail to let the team know what you plan to contribute. If you have any information, pleaseemail.

Indiana Campus Compact Community Service Mini-Grants

Each grant offers students the opportunity to gain funding for service projects designed in collaboration with community organizations to meet real community needs. $100-$1,000 is awarded for project supplies, materials and some transportation and food costs. Applications are considered on a rolling basis and are due the 15th of each month.

Day of Giving

Purdue Day of Giving is an online fundraising event held each spring. For 24 hours students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents and friends came together to grant opportunities and transform lives.

Registered student orgs are invited to participate each year. While not a large source of funding, it is a great way to get the word out about your org and all the amazing things you do. This campaign is best suited to an org that has a large alumni base and strong social media presence.

AAE Departmental Grants

A source of funding directly from the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Not to be considered as a primary source of funding for most requests.  Great for small travel requests to present papers, good for adding to your annual ‘pizza budget’, or other small sources. If your organization or group is doing a large outreach program, national conference, or something similar that is a rare opportunity, then this may also be a resource for you. These grant requests are to be submitted by the president or treasurer of your organization only.