AAE Research Symposium Series

Criteria for Presentation Evaluation

Presenter: _____________________________________

Presentation of Technical Content (35%):

____ / 10 Motivation – 10%

  • Why should the audience learn about this research?
  • What motivates the work?

____ / 10 Explanation of quality of research methods – 15%

  • The audience should be given sufficient information about how research was carried out to accept results and conclusions.
  • Thoroughness – evaluating and addressing contingencies, stating assumptions
  • Validation of results against a known standard

____ / 10 Significance of the research – 10%

  • What contribution does this research work make to the field of interest?
  • What impact does the work have?

Presentation Style (65%):

____ / 10 Visual Communication – 20%

  • Effective and innovative use of media
  • Font size large enough to be read from back of the room
  • Any movies, external links, or demos work

____ / 10 Oral Communication – 15%

  • Confidence in speaking (loud enough, not too fast)
  • Not monotone, avoiding ‘fillers’ (ummm), etc.

____ / 10 Use of the presentation as a teaching tool – 25%

  • Logically organized to give the audience a clear understanding of the research
  • Difficult material clearly explained to a broad, multi-disciplinary, technical audience

____ / 10 Effectiveness in answering questions from the audience – 5%

  • Speaker took the time to correctly understand the question
  • Speaker gave concise, logical answers to the question asked

____/ -5 – 1 point for each minute over the presentation time (excludes question time)
