October 7, 2024

Spring 2025 Registration Information

Priority: No
Spring 2025 registration will be open to graduate students Monday, Oct. 14 – Nov. 14 at 5pm and won’t open again until Dec. 2, forward. Review the attached Spring 2025 Registration Guide.

Spring 2025 registration will be open to graduate students Monday, Oct. 14 – Nov. 14 at 5pm and won’t open again until Dec. 2, forward (find your exact start time in myPurdue under “Registration Status”). You are encouraged to register for courses during the initial window as courses tend to fill up quickly. Please review the attached Spring 2025 Registration Guide. Here are a few key reminders:

  • Plan of Study:  You may need to submit a plan of study in order to retrieve your PIN. If you don’t have a plan of study yet, or if you need to make changes to an existing plan, please get started on that now. A plan of study guide to help you submit the plan, the degree requirements guide, and course lists can all be found on our plan of study webpage. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure you have a plan in place and are taking courses that have received approval. If you are planning on taking any courses different than what is listed on your plan, you need to submit a change request. If you submitted a draft but have not heard back about it, please go ahead and submit it as final and we will review.
  • Responsible Conduct of Research: You may have a hold on your PIN because you need to do the RCR requirement. Please refer to the second attachment if that is the case. Reach out to aaegradoffice@purdue.edu if you have since satisfied the requirement.
  • Check for Holds: Check the holds section in your myPurdue to determine if there are any holds that will prevent you from registering. These registration holds are different than PIN holds. The most common holds are the following:
  • Research Requests: We will be accepting AAE 698 and 699 research requests via email. Please do not respond to this aae-grad email with your request but instead send a separate request to aaegradoffice@purdue.edu with the details requested in the attached Registration Guide. You must copy your advisor on your request. Research requests for spring must be sent by noon on January 17th.

If you will be conducting your research off-campus, you will need to submit a Form 19.

  • Graduation:  To graduate in May 2025 you must be added to the candidate list by requesting to register for CAND 991 in the Scheduling Assistant by February 7th.  This applies to all MS non-thesis, MS thesis, and PhD students intending to graduate. Any PhD and MS thesis students requesting exam-only candidacy (defend and deposit by an early mid-semester deadline) email aaegradoffice@purdue.edu.

Please reach out to the AAE Graduate Office if you have a question that isn’t answered here.