Running WIND with Torque

  1. A script file is not needed to run wind using Torque.
  2. You will use the runwind perl script file. The required options for the script are described below
  3. You will need to add/edit your shell config file to update your PATH and other variables.

    add the following line to your .bashrc file:
    source /home/booster/scratch/aaewing/bash_wind_profile

    add the following line to your .cshrc or .tcshrc file:
    source /home/booster/scratch/aaewing/cshell_wind_profile

    • BASH users
    • CSH/TCSH users

runwind has the following options:

-a, -all

This will use this file name for all file names

example: run_00001

Using the other options will override this

example: runwind -a test -g grid01

All files will use the test file name except for the grid file, it will use the grid01 file name.

-c, --case

mpc file name, required unless -a, -all defined

a script generated file for multiprocessor control

example: NAME.mpc

-d, --dat

dat file name, required unless -a, -all defined

user created input file, NAME.dat

-f, --flow

flow file name, required unless -a, -all defined

solution file generated by wind, this file name is also used for the solution restart file (.tda file)

-g, --grid

grid file name, required unless -a, -all defined

user created input file, NAME.cgd

-l, --list

list file name, required unless -a, -all defined

wind generated output file, NAME.lis

-m, --maxtime

maximum runtime in hours, default is 120

-n, --nodes

number of nodes to use, default is 1

-p, --ppn

number of processors per node to use, default is 1

-s, --solver

solver to use: wind5 or Wind_US1, default is wind5

-h, --help, -?

print this message

A file named will be created to submit your wind job to the queue. TIMESTAMP has the format: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS. The runwind perl script will submit the job for you.

Example 1

I have the files testme.cgd and testme.dat. I want to use the Wind-US solver, I want to use 12 processors to run the job, and I want to set my maximum run time to be 7 days.

Finally, I want all of the wind generated output files to be testme.cfl, testme.tda, and testme.lis 

Then I would type

runwind -a testme -n 3 -p 4 -s Wind_US1 -m 168


  1. 3 (nodes)*4 (processors per node) = 12 total CPUs
  2. The -a option means all of the files (*.dat, *.cgd, *.lis, *.cfl, and *.tda) will have the same name

Example 2

I have the files himom.cgd and hidad.dat. I want to use the Wind5 solver. I want to use 1 processor to run the job, and I will accept the default maximum runtime.

Finally, I want to have the output files be hi1.lis, hi2.cfl, hi3.mpc

Then I would type

runwind -d hidad -g himom -l hi1 -f hi2 -c hi3


  1. The default for the number of nodes and processors per node is 1.
  2. Default solver is wind5
  3. Default maximum runtime is 120


This is a dirty method. There should be a way to submit to torque using just the wind script, but what we have works.