X Windows

Once you are ssh'd into a server you may want to bring up the graphical interface to an application. Generally speaking I would avoid this if at all possible. It takes a lot of bandwidth to display the GUI.

Most SSH clients will have a way to automatically forward the packets for X windows.


The option is under Connections->SSH->Tunnels

Make certain that Enable X11 forwading is checked.


Select Options->Session Options...

The option is under Connection->Port Forwarding->Remote/X11

Make certain that Forward X11 packets is checked.


There are four options for software:

  • Exceed
  • Going to cost you $50
  • PC Xware
  • Going to do bad things to your pc.
  • Cygwin
  • Going to work but can be kind of large. It's nice if you want a *nix type of environment in Windows.
  • Xming
  • Going to work and I'm liking it at the moment (smaller than cygwin).


  • Download the setup program
  • Start the setup program

Now that we have Xming installed just start it.

Now, when you start an application that has a gui it will pop on up.