General Information


There are places you can go to find information yourself.

If you can't find the solution yourself then here is whom you can contact:

Reporting the problem

Once you can't solve the problem yourself report it. Don't suffer in silence. I can't fix a problem I don't know about.

Writing a good report is kind of like writing a good email.

I prefer to have only 1 problem per report unless they are directly related. It makes it easier for me to track them.

Be sure to give your report a good subject. It helps those looking at the problem an idea about what they are facing.

    Bad Subject lines:
  • It's broken
  • Joe Bob Smith
  • Three things
  • pc down
  • Re: [aae-grad] Orbit going offline
    Better Subject lines:
  • aae0042: dead
  • Out of print quota
  • STK not working

In the body of your report include details. Especially the hostname the pc you were using. The hostname can be found under the "My Computer" icon and there should be a tag on the pc with a host name as well.

Please don't include attachments like images and documents. Our current report queuing system doesn't handle them. Just let me know about them and I'll figure out the best way for me to handle them.

Please don't email my gizmo account. I get tons of email and I promise that your problem will get lost in the flood. Also, if I am out then the people watching over things for me won't know about the problem.