Degrees and Admission

ABE Building and wordmark

Degree Programs

We are always looking for outstanding students to join our innovative graduate degree programs. Two master’s degrees are offered: Master of Science in Agricultural and Biological Engineering (MS-ABE), for students with a baccalaureate engineering degree, and Master of Science (MS): for students with non-engineering baccalaureate degrees. The Ph.D. at Purdue is not designated by area of specialization and is available to outstanding students desiring an engineering, technology, or systems management program in the Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department. A Direct-to-PhD option is available. We are a member department of Purdue's Ecological Sciences and Engineering interdisciplinary graduate program, which has its own requirements that must be fulfilled in addition to those in ABE. Many ABE students are part of the PULSe Interdisciplinary Life Science Program. Please visit their websites for more information. We offer concentrations in the following areas, which reflect a specialized area of graduate study on a student’s final transcript: Biotechnology Innovation and Regulatory Science, Data Science for Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Ecological Sciences and Engineering, and Fluid Power.

More information on our Masters and PhD degrees


Admissions Timeline

The standard fall admissions timeline is as follows:

December 1

All application materials received by the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Studies (OGSPS) (early application encouraged).


Review of applications by ABE faculty.

Applicants should reach out to specific faculty members in their area of interest. Faculty will also begin contacting promising students. You are encouraged to reach out to multiple faculty members.

January and February

Notification of acceptance and offers of financial support are sent to students. Advisors are finalized at this time.

Students with admission offers are invited to the ABE department’s in-person recruiting visit held in early February.

April 15

Final deadline for applicants to accept or reject offers.

Week before classes begin

Admitted students arrive on campus for program orientation and start of semester (summer start is possible if supported by your advisor).


For additional details on application requirements, see:


We look forward to your application!