
March 8, 2019

ISAT Lab tests AR project in battlefield simulation

The Intelligent Systems and Assistive Technologies (ISAT) Lab successfully led an experiment showing that its improved augmented reality (AR) telementoring system can significantly increase safety in remotely-directed medical procedures.
March 6, 2019

Grad student develops bio-based air filter

A Purdue IE graduate student has developed a novel bio-based filter alternative that addresses issues of sustainability, health and lower expenses that are desired in the HVAC industry.
March 4, 2019

IE/Krannert team wins 1st round of Deloitte case competition

Imagine you’re a member of a consulting team given only 24 hours to develop and present a comprehensive case to help an automotive manufacturer bring a fully self-driving car to market. Could you do what’s needed to take such a giant leap?
February 28, 2019

Successful “rockoon” launch makes space more accessible to microsatellites

A Purdue IE senior co-founded a startup that plans to use high-altitude balloons to deploy rockets. The company successfully fired a test launch in December, moving closer to its goal of helping to end the backlog of microsatellites that wait months or longer to “hitch” a ride on larger rockets.
February 26, 2019

Alum speaks on sustainability in "What IF" series

Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean island will be struggling to rebuild for years. But what does rebuilding look like and how can renewable energy be a part of those efforts? Jorge Haddock, president of the University of Puerto Rico, addressed this question in his February 6 lecture “What IF the world ran on 100 percent renewable energy?”
February 21, 2019

Entrepreneurship alumni speak on Giant Leaps

Two Purdue IE alumni on a recent Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation panel spoke about how they’re making “Giant Leaps” in their respective fields.
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