Spotlight on our Graduate Students - Sara Shashaani

Sara Shashaani
Sara Shashaani
We focus on our graduate students and their activities in the School of Industrial Engineering. This month the spotlight is on Sara Shashaani.
Name: Sara Shashaani
Degree Sought: M.S. in Industrial Engineering
Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2011
Specialization: Simulation and Operations Research
Hometown: Tehran, Iran
Why I came to Purdue:
I chose IE Masters program at Purdue University in order to build good education in a vigorous academic environment. My Masters program brought up new challenges to my life, as well as opportunities to be in contact with faculty and researchers with hefty backgrounds and an abiding student body to improve my skills in professional networking, research presenting, teamwork and leadership. 
A brief description of research/other duties in the school:
My research is established on the area of health systems engineering. During my first semester at Purdue along with taking the System Simulations course, I got familiar with Professor Mark Lawley and Dr. Ayten Turckan’s concentration on modeling and optimizing several health care systems. Meanwhile, I served as a Graduate Project Assistant with Healthcare Technical Assistance Program at Purdue; through which I was granted a chance to visit several hospitals at the local and regional level in three counties of Indiana State, which let me become familiar with delivery and  performance of hospitals and other essential healthcare services. 
What I envisage for my future after Purdue:
After graduation, I am willing to pursue a PhD degree in a multidisciplinary framework to gather more skills and knowledge. In the future, I would like to start a research career that can precede enterprise and ventures.
Which organizations are you involved with on-campus and why:
IE GSO: I am a social co-officer with Nicole Dai in this graduate students' social organization that has provided me with priceless experiences.
Women in Engineering Graduate Mentoring Program: This program has made it possible for me to meet so many active and successful women in academia and women leaders to have a deeper perspective of the role of women in technical environments. 
INFORMS: I have been part of INFORMS student chapter and have availed good events, seminars and conferences organized by them to broaden my communication with the productive people in my area of interest.
Iranian Cultural Club at Purdue: As an Iranian student in Purdue WL campus, it is a pleasure to meet other fellows who are interested in our culture. With this students organization we have arranged many of Iranian traditions and ceremonies for Purdue students from all over the world to experience and take part in.